

Weekly WI

Good Morning.  Happy Tuesday to you.  This is a short work week for me as Dawny is coming to town for the Fit One 10K on Saturday.  I am super excited for her visit and to show her around Boise.

My WI this week wasn’t the greatest.  The leader (who I know but I’ve not seen in a while so I’m not sure she remembered me) told me quietly I was up just a bit.  I told her I had a feeling I would have a gain and she seemed glad to know it was at least expected.  A gain wasn’t expected per se but having the weekend right before WI didn’t help my chances.

I was actually over my WPPAs before I even got to my weekend.  I enjoyed food and drinks in Silver City so it wasn’t really a surprise I might show a gain.  I think this week I will focus on trying to keep things in check up until Dawny comes into town so I can enjoy some food-fun this weekend.  I ate out twice yesterday though so it doesn’t appear my plan is working out really well.

I am also feeling like while I need that accountability of counting my PPVs down each day and knowing how many WPPAs I have it is also making me feel a bit reckless once they are all gone.  For a while now I have struggled with these feelings of “oh well, I’m over my WPPA” and I continue to eat more than necessary.  It is sort of like my money spending and when I get further overboard after I’ve spent my monthly limit.

I am always a work in progress.

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