

What’s Your Success Story?

Our meeting topic in WW this week was Success Stories.  I actually have both my weight loss and maintenance journeys already written if you wish to take a gander.  I’m very proud of my weight loss and maintenance journey.

As some of you know already I had a back issue come about in August 2013.  This has required me to shift my focus when it comes to activity and I’m not able to do as high of intensity aerobics as I once was.  I also engaged in some emotional eating that made it extra difficult to keep my weight in goal range.  When we came back from vacation in January my weight really jumped up.  It has been a constant struggle to try and bring it back down.  There are no excuses.

September 7, 2013 was the last time I had a weigh-in at my WW meeting where I was I my goal range.  I have now officially been above my goal weight (doctor’s note of 175 pounds and WW range of 173-177 pounds) for one whole year.

This is a lot for me to take in and mentally has been the hardest struggle.

Overall I feel good.  The number on the scale doesn’t really change that and I am not defined be a number.  I still have fat days and I still have days I feel bloated and my pants are tight.  I am still physically active and can walk far distances and get up and down from the floor with ease.  My cholesterol numbers are decent and my doctors don’t hound me about my weight like they once did.  My WW community; made up of leaders, members, and my WW Buddy Group continue to be supportive.  My husband and my family continue to be supportive. 

Being over my goal weight for one full year now is just one more milestone that I need to document.  I enjoy celebrating each passing year of my WW Anniversary and my Goal Anniversary but this is a different type of anniversary.  The last year has shown me that no matter what comes up or how life changes that I can continue to hang in there, persevere, and not give up.  This will not break me.  I simply won’t allow it.

I spoke up at my Monday WW meeting.  There was not a scheduled person to share their success story so I offered up mine.  WW is much like a therapy session and I needed to share how I was feeling and what this last year has been like.  Our WW Weekly highlighted a section about success.  There were a series of questions that had some words you could select to go with your answers.

How did you feel before you joined Weight Watchers?

Before I joined WW I felt unhealthy, anxious, bored, unhappy, scared, frustrated, and weak.

What helped you believe you could change successfully?

My very first WW magazine had a success story of a gal my age that had lost around 150 pounds.  That was when I knew this was possible and WW would help me achieve my goal.

How did you feel when you reached your goal weight?

When I reached goal I felt stunned, successful, relieved, healthy, invincible, elated, triumphant, motivated, transformed, grateful, and one more I’ll add…emotional.

How do you ensure that your relationship with food is changing (changed) for good?

I know my relationship with food has changed because even on what I might feel is my worst day of eating it is nothing like it once was.  When my body craves veggies after vacation I know my relationship with food has changed.  I have such a new appreciation for portion control and eating what you REALLY want.

I’ll leave you today with these three photos. 

The first photo is my pre-WW photo.  I was pretty down on myself this trip and yet I’m smiling.

The second photo is from my Canada trip where I was down 50 pounds.  I was feeling good and motivated.  Again I am smiling.

The third photo was taken last month at my annual Hawaiian party.  I can see from this photo there is extra around my middle (which is what my mind feels all the time).  Yet, I am still smiling.

Don’t ever stop smiling.

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