

Colonel's PT Challenge: Week 8

Happy Saturday to you!!


I am in better spirits today than I have been for a good portion of the week.  I received some rough feedback last Friday at work and I let that put me into a downward spiral of emotions.  I’ve had a week to “unpack” it all and process so I’m feeling better.


I didn’t post a Weekly WI, which was a maintain.  I am taking that as a win, but it is hard not to be down on myself.  I’ve been working this week on 100% tracking and ramping up the activity.  We have been blessed with beautiful sunshine weather which makes me wish Spring was closer.


February 18 – 30-minute treadmill walk for 1.5 miles.

February 19 – No activity.

February 20 – No activity.

February 21 – 60-minute cardio strength class, where I completed 70 push-ups during the class.

February 22 – 30-minute walk at the YMCA indoor track for 1.5 miles.

February 23 – 33-mile outdoor walk in the GLORIOUS sunshine for 1.59 miles, 10 sit-ups, and 10 push-ups.

February 24 – 30-minute bike/elliptical machine.


Aerobic / High Intensity - 86% completed.

Sit-ups / Push-ups – 38.9% completed.


I have two weeks to go!


Colonel's PT Challenge: Week 7

I think we have completed Week 7 of the Colonel’s Activity Challenge.  Last week was a mix of activity and rest.


February 11 – No activity.

February 12 - 34 minutes on the bike elliptical.

February 13 – After coaching at Weight Watchers, I took a nap.  It was so hard to force myself outside for a walk, but I always feel better when I do.  I completed a 33-minute walk for 1.7 miles.

February 14 – I attended my favorite cardio strength 60-minute class the Y.

February 15 - 32-minute treadmill walk for 1.5 miles, 30 sit-ups, and 30 push-ups.

February 16 – No activity.

February 17 – I was able to complete 12 minutes on the bike elliptical at work before I got interrupted with computer issues on the other side of the room.  When I got home, I just decided to make dinner and head to bed so no other activity logged.


Totals thus far:

Aerobic / High Intensity 76.8% completed.

Sit-ups/ Push-ups 36.3% completed.

At this point, I don’t think I can catch up on the sit-ups/push-ups but we will keep getting them in when I can.


Weekly WI: Upwards We Go...Again...


Happy Valentine’s Day


I hope you are spending time with a loved one today.


Oh what a week.  I have a HUGE gain at the scale and have gained back all but one pound of what took me three weeks to lose.




I lost my momentum when I went to Knoxville for a work conference (oh yes, I still owe you a post on that…) and upon my return, I wasn’t feeling 100%.  I allowed that to throw me off my game and made less-than-healthy choices for several days.  I almost skipped but decided to step on the scale Tuesday instead of Monday.  At first, I was shocked but then I recalled all I ate last week.  Ugh.  It is so easy to then get mad and go down the rabbit hole of self-criticism.  Which is exactly what this week’s WW Technique addresses.


Here is a one-month view.


Here is a three-month view.


The Hubs and I are committed to helping each other with accountability and work towards bring the scale down.  He needs to bring his A1-C back down and I really miss being in the low 190s.  It is time for a change!

I have tracked everything today and they day isn’t quite over yet.  I got called into work and may have to stay later than planned.  I’m not sure if there will be anything else consumed tonight but so far, it is an on-track day with some daily points left over.  I went to see Jim at the gym today and got in a good workout.  I plan to continue with ramping up the activity again as I had been for the month of January.


Tracking + Activity = Results


Colonel's PT Challenge: Catching Up

How the heck did I get so far behind on reporting in for the Colonel’s Challenge?  Week 3 was my last recap and that was January 20.  What is happening?!?  Welp, here is the recap of the last few weeks.



January 21 - 30-minute treadmill walk for 1 mile, 40 push-ups, and 20 sit-ups 


January 22 - 10 sit-ups and 20 push-ups.  Somedays even if I’m not able to get in activity, I’ve been trying to get in a few sit-ups and push-ups.


January 23 - No activity.


January 24 – I was able to get to the gym for my favorite 60-minute strength and cardio class, 20 sit-ups, 30 push-ups. 


January 25 – I lasted only 30 minutes of TRX and functional kettlebells at the gym.  I was really sore from Jim’s class the day before so I bowed out and walked in the indoor track for 22 minutes and 1 mile.  I also completed 20 sit-ups and 50 push-ups. 


January 26 - 30 minutes on the elliptical/bike.

January 27 Travel Day steps…lots of steps.  I am counting 55 minutes and 2 miles.


Traveling to Nashville/Knoxville for a work conference posed some challenges in getting in daily activity so I used walking/steps to log some and made a commit one day to wake up early and hit the hotel gym.  The rest of the days I started my activity tracker every time we walked to/from the hotel and the convention center.


January 28 – I hit up the treadmill at the hotel gym for 20 minutes and .92 miles.  I also completed 30 sit-ups, and 10 push-ups.  My co-worker and I logged lots of steps walking downtown.  I counted 57 minutes and 2 miles.


January 29 – Combined workouts of 40 minutes walking for a total of 1.41 miles, 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups.


January 30 – Combined workout of 30 minutes walking for a total of 1.3 miles.


January 31 – Combined workout of 18 minutes of walking and 0.7 miles.


February 01 – Travel Day steps.  I counted 31 minutes and 2 miles.


February 02 – No activity.


February 03 – No activity.


I came home from the training exhausted and with a head cold so getting in activity has been difficult.  I am feeling better and plan to ramp it back up.


February 04 - 20 sit-ups and 20 push-ups.


February 05 - No activity.


February 06 – I had the MOST fun at a 60-minute HITT workout with a local group called KegFit.  We worked out in the back room of Barbarian Brewery and afterwards, had a recovery beer in the taproom.  It was a blast and I met so many great people and I’d loved to do this again.  I also completed 20 sit-ups and 30 push-ups. 


February 07 - No activity.


February 08 - 30 minutes on the bike/elliptical. 


February 09 - 30 minutes on the bike/elliptical. 


February 10 - 30 minutes on the bike/elliptical. 


Whew.  Sorry to leave you hanging.  We are all caught up now!  I have four weeks to go.