

Norway Adventures: Port of Call - Nordfjordeid

The announcement came just after 8am, due to high winds, a big ship, and a tiny dock, our port day was cancelled. The consultation price was a scenic cruise day along the fjords. 

The weather was amazing and we’d booked a balcony this trip. We spent some of our impromptu sea day both with the group and on our balcony. 

By evening we had our group’s tropical night, organized by the Cruise monkeys. Our festive attire had the rest of the cruise passengers intrigued by even more. 

It was a great day and I stayed up late where we partied listening to 80’s music. 

Don’t forget to catch on all our Norway adventures including P&O Britannia, Stavanger, and Flam.


Weekly WI: The Day After...

…allllll the indulgences!

Oh my goodness, it has been a few days of indulges, which is a 180 from last week.  Let’s rewind.

I returned from our recent vacation with a 7.8 pound gain.  On our September cruise vacation, my gain was 8 pounds.  At least I am consistent.  The difference between the two vacations is that I was still holding onto to some September weight gain further impacting the situation with my tight pants and general uncomfortableness.  

I got back on track right away and said goodbye to three extra pounds on my body.  WHOOOHOOO!

Of course, this week looks really different.  The holidays brought with them high point food and an excess of sweet along with some alcohol.  I’m back to work Friday - Monday which will help.  My plan is to lean into the Expanded Zero Points foods, which I did last week, and get back to activity.  I walked indoors on the treadmill Tuesday and outdoors on Wednesday.  Our weather is not as friendly for an outdoor walk today so I’ll make sure to log some indoor activity.

I’ve also been tracking for 50 (now 51) days.  Tracking at least one item a day is one thing I did differently on my recent cruise vacation.  I don’t usually track (see 8 pound weight gain above) and didn’t want to break the routine I had started in November with daily honest tracking.  I decided to track at least one item which kept my routine in check and easier to resume when I returned home.

I am thinking about my 2025 goals and how I am going to maximize all the tools available to me for a successful year.


Norway Adventures: Port of Call - Flam

Flam is exactly what you think Norway should look like, a small quant town surrounded by large cliffs. I learned from our tour guide what constitutes a fjord is a long narrow sea inlet with steep sides or cliffs with was created by a glacier and filled with salt water. 

Our captain made an announcement the night before that we would enter into the UNESCO World Heritage Site at 5 a.m. and sunrise would be just after 7 a.m. I set my alarm and regretted it when I looked out the blinds into darkness. I re-set the alarm for 6 a.m., stepped on my balcony and could not believe the majestic views in front of me. 

It was amazing and the day only got better. 

We had two excursions, one on a bus to see waterfalls and one on the train. Both were enjoyable and highlighted the beauty of Norway. 

We also swung into a local brewpub before boarding the ship where we bumped into the Cruise Monkeys and some of our travel companions.  

Our scenic sailing that evening was delayed due to the need to rescue some passengers from an excursion which thankfully, no one was injured. The moon came up as we sail, but a change of plans the following day allow us to enjoy more of the beauty of Norway.

Catch up with our adventures in Stavanger here and aboard P&O Britannia here.


 It’s travel day!!

We woke up to a flight delay and have been re-booked at our connecting airport.  Sadly, we are now in the Southwest boarding group C for that second flight.  We are thinking we will use our upgrade as we need overhead bin for our carry-ons.  Travel days can be stressful but thankfully, we don’t have anything planned this evening and have plenty of time to catch our ship in a few days.

I am really excited to check out Dickens on the Strand and happy Wanda and Michael suggested this idea.  I am that type of friend that you can’t even suggest something because I am going to roll with it and have all the logistics set in a matter of hours. 

I am truly my BEST SELF when I am on vacation.  I was thinking about that recently when our Google home hub displayed one of my many travel memories.  I am genially so happy when we travel.  Okay, spoiler alert, sometimes I am cranky when we travel but…you get the idea.

More adventures to come…


Hello December: November Weigh-In Comes To An End

Good Afternoon and Happy Sunday.

Also, Welcome December.  Can you believe we are on the very last month of 2024?  This year has flown by and I am super stoked for our upcoming vacation, the Christmas holiday season, and then getting my act in gear for 2025! 


Let’s doooooo this!


OMG what a weekend of indulgences.  Since Thursday it has been non-stop extra food, alcohol, sweets, and going into the negative for my points.  Most nights I’ve also not slept well.  After being back on track for 26 days, my stomach felt all that extra high caloric food. 


With an unexpected gain at my end of November weigh-in, I am nervous to get on the scale this week.  I was hopeful that gain was temporary as I plan to do my December employee weigh-in on Tuesday.  With all my excess food, I’m not feeling very confident of a loss.  All this on the cusp of vacation….gah!!!  It has been a bit nervous.


As you can see, my month is not shaking out well.  This is the first time in a while I’ve ended the year higher than I began.  This is why I am planning to get my act in gear in 2025 for once and for all!