

A Simple (Re)Start

I finally made it to a WW meeting after several weeks of missed opportunities.  I am happy to be back amongst the Monday morning meeting members, a few who even recognized me and asked how I was.  I also got to see Lynn and that is a huge plus in my book!

My weight wasn’t very pretty.  It was down from the 191 WI with the personal trainer at Axiom but it was up from my last official WW WI.  I am considering this a win and am re-focusing this week. 
Actual weight was 189.2

The meeting topic was actually quite appropriate this week: A Simple (Re)Start.  We talked about some great strategies for staying the course and how to get back to it when you feel like you have failed or given up.  I know after doing WW for almost eight years that I need to attend my meetings and I need to track. 

I have started my WW week on Monday and while I usually have my WI day be the last day of my week (easy to get out of control) I am now having my WI day be the start of my week.  Right off the bat I used 14 of my WPPA but it is all tracked and accounted for.  For me that is what is key!

My meetings are such therapy for me.  I talked with the leader and members of what has been going on lately and how I have been feeling.  I feel a lot better and more energized.  I still need to meal plan though.  I’m not very good at that.

Onto the new week we go.


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