

Keeping My Head Above Water

My head is swimming.

Part of that could also be the headache I’m feeling tonight.  Not the best conditions for being at work on New Year’s Eve.

I feel so busy and overwhelmed right now.  I’m just working on keeping my head above water for a few more days.  Between my promotion to supervisor, which became effective last Sunday, and finishing up later this week with my trainee, I’ve got a lot on my plate.  I’ve got papers all over the place and appear to be really disorganized.

Vacation is also coming up…soon!  There was a bit of panic on whether or not our non-refundable resort stay in Scottsdale, AZ would be approved time off at work.  Thankfully, all is well and we are set to leave town on Monday.  I also have Grandpa’s 90th Birthday Open House on Sunday.


So much to do.

So much going on.

So little time.

The one thing I do have control over is my food choices and my (lack of) activity.  I am working on those blue dots, keeping in line with the Purple Plan, and planning to move my body at least a little.  Ha!

We are closing out not only another year, but another decade.  The last 10 years has been good to me.  I am planning on making the next 10 years + even better.

Cheers.  Please don’t drink and drive tonight.



Weekly WI: Temporary Weight Is Gone!

P.S. that is not my cheese wrapper on the ground.  I should have cropped it out of the photo first.

I lost everything I gained last week and an additional 0.2 pounds.  Whew!  I tell ya, I was prepping myself for the possibility of another gain but trying to dig deep to be positive about it was going to be really difficult. 

I’m ended 2019 with a 7.6 total loss.

And, I am ending 2019 with my lowest weight.

I also did some reflecting and saw that I am 10 pounds less than my weigh-in at the end of December 2015.  This feels amazing!

That means December of 2014 weight, I’m coming for ya!  This has been a successful year.  Heck, any year that doesn’t end with a gain is a win in my book.  I really want to make 2020 a great year and continue to work on my goals.  I need to sit down and think of some goals that don’t exclude the scale number but more so behaviors that will naturally help the scale go down.  When I focus too much on that number, I don’t do well mentally.  I’ll have some time later this week to start reflecting on where I want to go in 2020.


Anxious For WI Tomorrow

When Mom and I popped into the Monday morning WW Studio last week, we were able to see Rebecca, a favorite WW Coach, as well as Susan, another of my favorite WW Coaches.  It was wonderful to see both their smiling faces and I had even though if Mom needed a back-up workshop, this could be her place.  I was super bummed to hear that it was Rebecca’s last day with WW as she had taken a job at one of our local hospitals.  WW will miss this gem for sure. 

In the meantime, Susan will be taking over that workshop.  As Mom and I were leaving, I was making a comment about how sad it was that Rebecca was leaving.  Susan said to me, “we are just waiting for you to get back to goal so you can come work for us.”

Ah….that made me so happy.  I’ve known for a while now that the WW Coaches would like me as a part of their team.  And while back in the day you had to be at WW’s goal (goal range based on the BMI chart) in order to work for WW, including becoming a WW leader.  A few years ago, WW changed it up from just being a food/weight plan to more of a healthy living/lifestyle plan.  This was to encourage more members to join, including those that didn’t have much to lose.  Heck, you don’t even every have to get to a goal weight.  As long as you pay your weekly fee you are welcome at WW Workshops.

The change meant you can now work for WW under a doctor’s note, not just if you are within the WW healthy weight range.  This is HUGE and finally allows me to be a leader (coach), which I have always wanted to be.

The only caveat is that I have to get to that doctor’s goal weight of 190.  GULP!


I’ll admit, I’m still feeling a bit deflated after my recent gain even though I’m continuing to push through and make my food plan on track.  My exercise this week has been a bit low and I’ve gone more into my WSPA than the weeks where I’ve had large losses.  Plus, I’m also feeling slightly bloated.  All of this starts to make me doubt a loss this week.  I’ll see what the scale says tomorrow.

I think I’ve lost a little mojo and I’m hoping 2020 will re-energize me.  I still like the Purple Plan but definitely need to branch out on my food/meal plan.  As I inch closer to my new goal weight, I start to get a little anxious and nervous.  I’m not sure why or what exactly is making me feel this way.  I really do want to reach my goals.  I need to figure out this mental road block and work really hard to push past it.


Three Years Ago

My FB Memory from three years ago was a great reminder.

It helped to remind me that even though I really felt stuck and overwhelmed since July of 2016, that I didn’t have to stay there.  Having the courage to sign up for personal training sessions was the push I needed to re-gain control of my life.  I am forever grateful to Tyson for his dedication to his personal business and to his clients.  His help allowed me to re-commit to my WW program, even if the weight loss was slower this time around.

Three years later, I am down 33.8 pounds.

When you’ve been a WW member for a while, you “know all the things to do.”  If only knowing all the things meant actually following through, weight loss and maintenance would be easy.  After I started to lose grasp of maintaining at my goal weight of 175, everything got really hard again.  I tried to be kind to myself but I was also super depressed about my weight gain and the struggle to try and get it back down.

Eventually, I don’t know…it just got too far out of hand and pretending it wasn’t happening, while also feeding those sad emotions, made the spiral even worse.  I had managed to lose 8 pounds from my highest re-gain before signing up for personal training sessions.  Heck, this year I’ll be lucky to end the year 5 pounds less than 2018.  But anything that isn’t 253 again…or worse yet 304.8 pounds, they…I’ll take it!  

I am alway a work in progress and I’ll keep fighting.


Work Towards A Balanced Life

Good Afternoon.

I am sitting on the couch watching TV.  I’ve just finished breakfast and packed up my food for work, both tonight and tomorrow.  I’m pre-tracked and blue dots are in check for today and tomorrow.  My week has been pretty good.  I’m struggling a bit in the activity motivation department though.

Christmas Day with the family was nice.  I worked 6am-10am so my sleep was only so-so and I was awake from about 1:30am on Christmas morning.  By the time we finished up the Family Christmas Party with the extended family and also opened presents with my immediate family, I was exhausted.  I didn’t 100% stick to the goals I set but I feel good about my week thus far.

Yesterday was a much needed lazy day.  We ventured out to breakfast at LePeep to get the last of the 2019 coupons used and also to Golden Corral for Kenyon’s free birthday buffet.  Other than that, it was a lot of couch sitting and TV watching.  I got sucked into the current seasons of Queer Eye.  I just love a good happy ending and seeing how great each person feels at the end of their week is the best part.

I really believe that in order to have a healthy lifestyle, you have to create a balance in your life.  That means a good balance between food, activity, and mind.  But also a good balance with your family, friends, and coworkers.  It isn’t always easy but when one side gets overloaded, its not wonder we can lose sight of who we are and what we really want out of life.

If there is an area of unbalance in your life, maybe it is time to have a tough conversation with somebody.  Or perhaps seek out something to talk to so you can free your mind of whatever if weighing you down.  2020 will soon be upon us and with a few new month, year, and decade, so much happy is right in front of you.


Happy Holidays From Our House To Yours

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all the feel good memories from 2019


Weekly WI: An Expected Gain But It Still Stings

I had a gain this week.

Ugh!  Even though you know or suspect a gain is coming, it is still a huge bummer and doesn’t soften the blow much.  The other huge bummer is I’m no longer under 210.  That is what hurts the most.  I was prepared for a gain but I didn’t want to see 211 again.

I’m going to track 100% this week, except for Christmas Day.  But, I’m going to make sure my Christmas Day is mindful and no sugar!  That really worked for me the week fo Thanksgiving and honestly, sugar doesn’t make my body feel good and doesn’t make the scale number pretty.  

I’m also working on pre-tracking and for the remainder of today, I’m keeping myself focused by adding NO BLT as an entry (quick add with 0 points) on each of my meals items in my tracker.  

There is too much snack party food still kicking around at work and each time I walked into the break room last night, I grabbed a few chips or pretzels.  NOT TONIGHT!  You won’t be getting me tonight snacky-snacks.

I’m not going to get too down on myself this week and I am choosing to view this weight as temporary. My food and activity behaviors this week will be the best way to ensure that is just a temporary gain.  

I’m currently still sitting at a good spot for being less than I was at the end of 2018 and I’ve got one more week before we close out 2019.  I can do this.


Sunday Check-In

Happy Sunday.  I missed checking in on Saturday due to a busy day between sleep, lunch with friends, Paint Nite (afternoon), and then a full work shift.

We had a great time at Paint Nite, as usual, and since it was before work, this was my first time painting completely sober!  Go me.


I had decided ahead of time I’d stray from the original painting since I’m not very good with bare trees and keeping my hand steady.  I knew I wanted to make my tree bigger and I knew I most likely wanted to make some Christmas lights.  It turned out pretty good.


Kelsey and Julie and I had met ahead of time at Café Ole for some lunch.  Oh boy was it a bad idea to go to the mall location the Saturday before Christmas.  But, I survived and made it to work on time.


I’m doing my WI a day early and will attend a Monday morning meeting since the meetings are closed Tuesday and Wednesday both this week and next week.  I’m feeling like I’ll have a gain.  Ugh.  It has been a week of a little less restraint on the food and also some days of sugar/treats.


I had three days this week were I didn’t earn a blue dot and went waaaaaaaay over my points.  I’ll see what the scale shows tomorrow.  Regardless, I need to get to a meeting after missing last week.


Have a GREAT rest of your Sunday.


Party Day At Work

It’s PARTY DAY at work and I’m all dressed for the occasion.


When I saw this skirt, which is actually a Santa skirt with a belt that my vest covers, I said to myself, “I need that.”  It is super fun and I look pretty darn cute.


My Secret Santa paid me a visit too.  I got my usual popcorn tin, which is my favorite, and a Starbucks gift card, which is also my favorite.


Eating “on-plan” today is about to go out the window.  While I do have my food packed/prepped for work tonight and my contribution for the potluck is 0 SPV chili.  But boy…the spread.  Mmmmmm….  Plus, I already had some red velvet cake for a pre-celebration.  Our center manager, Denise, won the AAPCO Director of the Year award back in October.  We have not had a chance to formally congratulate her.  She is very deserving of this award…and of cake!


Okay, it is party time.  Happy Friday.


Promotional Ceremony - Regional Communications Supervisor

Good Evening.  The day has gotten away from me quickly so I am just now checking in.  I’m all sort of tired due to switching around my schedule way too much this weekend.

I had my promotional ceremony at work.  I am humbled and really appreciate the recognition.  Our new Coronel is a firm believer in celebrating everybody, not just commissioned staffed.

My Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and Kenyon were all able to join me.  It was great having my family there.  I didn’t know Grandpa was coming until Tuesday, which I am glad my parents invited him along.  Grandpa will be 90 in January. 

Mom brought me some flowers.


I am excited for this new opportunity.  I’ll be in a bit of limbo for a few weeks but by mid-January, I hope to get settled into a new routine.


Weekly WI: I Overslept!

Good Morning!  It is early but I woke up and can’t seem to get back to sleep.  So, I’ll do my Weekly WI check-in since I missed stopping by yesterday.

Welp, I missed my WW meeting.  Waaaaahhhh….I didn’t oversleep as much as when I re-set my alarm after I got off work at 2 am, I never actually finished the final step.  When I woke up at 11 am and saw a text message from my WW Coach asking where I was, I check and saw my 8:30 am alarm never set.  

That is a huge bummer.  Not only because I missed seeing my Tuesday AM WW Buddies but also because I had a gazillion errands I needed to run after the meeting.  Ugh.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make the 5;30 pm meeting time so I did my WI on the home scale.

I am actually down 7 pounds from when I last weighed-in at home in November.  And, the home scale number was less than my last official WW weigh-in, so I’ll take it!  I’m rolling through this week and I’ll do my official WI on Monday.  Still, such a bummer to miss my meeting this week.  I had already completed the six meeting charm challenge so I am still all set to receive my charm, which I am being told will be in January.

So, waking up at 11 am now put me really behind for all I needed get done.  Can you all believe that Christmas is next week?!?  Starting Thursday, I am jam packed until Christmas Eve so I was scrambling yesterday.  Kenyon got off work early and we met up with my sister to attend a funeral service of a gentleman who was taken much too young.  Jon was somebody I knew through the company my husband works for and where both my sisters used to work.  It was a well attended funeral and many tears were shed.  I just can’t get over why good people have to leave this world too soon.

After the service, Kenyon and I ran some errands before a meeting with the architect that is building the new school, assuming it passes the bond, directly across the street from us.  I mean directly across.  We’ve always known the elementary school was planned for that site but due to the capacity of the existing schools and the growth of the area we built out house, they are moving up the bond two years.  And, if approved in May, construction will start in June.  Nothing we heard last night would make us not vote yes for the upcoming bond, but boy is it going to make leaving for work at 3:15 pm difficult in the future.

We met up with Mom and Dad at Tucanos to celebrate both Mom’s birthday and Kenyon’s birthday as well as my supervisor promotion.  It was an enjoyable dinner and I always enjoy time spent with my parents.

A few more errands later, a rapid house cleaning, and ordering a grocery pick-up before an earlier bedtime than usual.  Now, I’m up and around and can’t seem to turn my mind off.  I hate when that happens.  I have a few errands to run today and am hosting an impromptu get-together with my gal pals.  I’m also working on meal prep so I am prepared for the work week.

Have a great Wednesday.


Busy Week Ahead & WI Predictions

Happy Monday.  And to me…Happy Friday!  We made it.  WhoooHoooo.  The shifts between graveyard back to swing shift has gone pretty good although I woke up too early today.  Let’s hope this work shift goes smoothly and swiftly.

I have a bazillion things on my two days of this week along with my promotional ceremony at work before my overtime shift on Thursday afterwards.  I am feeling just a teeny bit of stress.  I’ve gone some last minute Christmas errands to run and have decided to host an impromptu friend get-together on Wednesday.  Why do I pack so much on?  

I’ll go to my weekly WI tomorrow with my favorite Tuesday morning WW Members.  Due to the upcoming holidays, Tuesday meetings will be closed.  Mom and I will attend the Monday morning meeting the next two weeks so we can stay accountable this holiday season.  I’m not really worried about being off track because I’ve got many days of work scattered with just a couple parties/family get-togethers.  Shouldn’t be an issue.  Since I’m back on swing shift vs. graveyard, I don’t feel like I have to sleep all day to stay up all night.  Should make these next few weeks also go easier.

I’m not sure what to expect for WI tomorrow.  Of course, I hope so and think I’ll have a loss.  The blue dots aligned all week and even though I had an ice cream indulgence and a cookie indulgence, I still have some WSPA that should be my buffer for going over and/or not tracking 100%.  But, you know when you have those great weeks…that is when the scale can surprise you.  Regardless, it really was a great week.

I found a nice dose of Motivation Monday on Instagram this morning.

I really enjoy the networking, support, and connections that you can find on Instagram though various WW/weight loss hash tags.  It helps keep me focused on my goals.

Have a great Monday (or what is left of it since it is 1:30 p.m. Idaho time).


One WHOLE Year Of Apple Watch Activity Challenges Complete

One WHOLE year of Apple Watch Activity Challenges are now complete.

I am so proud of myself for setting out to complete each monthly challenge and following through.  There were a couple really challenging months but I managed to push through and get ‘er done.
December is completed early since I only had to get in 13 days and decided to finish up quickly. 

This doesn’t mean that I am done for the month.  I am most happy how this yearly challenge has helped to get me back into a daily exercise routine.  And, if not daily at least several times a week.
I plan to re-up my Aaptiv workouts as I really do enjoy them at home.  I will also get back to gym classes after the first of the year when (hopefully) my work schedule frees up more.
Activity has been really helpful to my weight loss and helping me feel better overall.  An added benefit is also looking better in my clothing. 


Purple Plan Meals: Easy & Delicious

My meal prep this week has defentally set me up for success on the scale.  And, as long as I plan ahead, the Purple Plan is really versatile and easy to experiment with different types of meals.  I’m really enjoying the new myWW choices, especially the Purple Plan.

I used the air fryer to cook some chicken breast and OMG these were amazing.  I love crispy chicken and this was spot on.  I served my chicken along with some brown basmati rice for an easy 0 SPV meal.

We had on hand in the chest freezer a bone-in turkey breast which made a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Re-Do.  I love turkey and all the fixings so I was in heaven.  Plus, cooking my turkey breast in the Instant Pot was super easy.  I have leftover turkey for turkey and noodles later this week.  

Kenyon found these ready-to-go russet potatoes in the freezer section at Walmart.  These were a game changer!!  We used them as the mashed potatoes for our turkey dinner but I’m super excited to pick up more to use in an easy potato soup.  Since potatoes are 0 SPV on the Purple Plan, I have been throwing together an easy potato soup in the Instant Pot and this will make it even easier.

I have also been enjoying whole wheat pasta on the Purple Plan.  I threw together this easy pepperoni pasta dish that I caught whim of the idea on Instagram.  My version had canned fire roasted tomatoes, fat free ricotta, fat free and light mozzarella, Italian seasoning, and garlic.  I mixed all that together with the cooked pasta and after portioning it into individual ramekins, I topped it with more cheese and turkey pepperoni.  This will be my meal at dinner served along side a salad so I’m excited to see how it tastes.

Don’t think I’m not also having some fun with my food this week.  And, I’ve had a few meals out as well.  We had our Team Cookie Exchange at work last night and I was feeling super festive.  I tracked two homemade cookies in the WW app, which I might have actually eaten more than just two.  There is no temptation in my house but I’m sure there will still be cookies at work when I arrive.  I am not tempted to indulge and with WI a few days away, this will help keep me on track.  I am going to remind myself that I’ve already tasted them all, they were delicious, and to pass right on by.  I feel good today despite extra cookies consumed yesterday and that is a big win in my book.

This has felt like the longest week ever and I can’t believe we are only on Saturday.  Let’s do this! 


When You Feel Good, You Feel Good

After my WI this last week, I spent some time looking over my WW weight record noting my weight differences from last year to this year and even years past.  I know I am lower than I was in August 2015 and when I look back to 2014, that is where I see my weight was in the 190s, which is what I’m setting my new WW goal at using my new doctor’s note.

I keep going over this mantra in my head: when you feel good, you feel good.

I went in search of photos from the time I was in the low 90s.  I found this one that Kenyon took while we were in Vegas.

I know when I was working my way back up the scale that I didn’t feel that good.  Most of it was mental.  This journey of re-gain has taught me a lot about letting go of the pressure to feel perfect.  Some of that pressure I was putting on myself in the way I thought I needed to act, look,  and behave.  And some of of that pressure was from outside sources and what they thought.  Recently after sharing with my close WW Buddies on our 100 pounds lost group FB page, Janice commented “I think you managed to conquer the biggest hurdle of all, the psychological part.” 

I’ve let that sink in for a few days and while I don’t think I’ve somehow figured out the magic solution to losing weight and keeping it off, I do agree that I have done a lot of mental work through these past 13 years of being a WW Member.  I’ve often said that you don’t lose over 100 pounds without doing some serious work physically and mentally.  Finding out where to live life in a balanced state but also being realistic with yourself when you are struggling is upmost important.  We have to be kind to ourselves and yet also strict at times.  

I guess I’ll cut off my rambling at this point and continue to mull it all over.  The bottom line right now for me is that I feel good.  When I feel good, I strive harder to reach my goals.  I may not want to start my day with a workout but I sure never regret it when I am done.  Meal planning, tracking, pre-planning, activity, and water has been so helpful to my weight loss journey this year.  Being in a positive mental state has also helped.  Please don’t forget that component along your journey.


Breakfast NSV: Money Vs. Points

I have a few spare moments to publish a blogpost before I jet off to start my work week.

I had three days off with no schedule overtime and not emergency call-in overtime.  I feel like a new and refreshed person.  Good thing because I’m on for five days this week.  And, training Alex so it’s sure to be a busy work week.

Kenyon and I chased in our $5 off coupon at Original Pancake House.  I went for my usual eggs and bacon.  I also had a NSV (Non-Scale Victory) as a last minute order when I decided on fruit as my side item instead of the gingerbread pancakes.

I made this decision solely on the money up-charge and not the points up-charge.  In doing so, I ended up eating less points than I had planned.  Yeah for NSV!

I’m all packed up as far as meals for work this week.  I did some meal prep this weekend which is sure to also pay off at the scale as well as time management with my mix of schedules this week.

Have a great Thursday.


Activity Check-In

Good Morning…er…Afternoon

I’ve got my days all over the place this week.  I decided to take advantage of working swing shift later this week and starting waking up earlier.  Well, I’ve been falling asleep on the couch around midnight and then staying up again until 5am.  DOH!  Also, my shifts at work this week are a mix of swing shift and graveyard shift so I can’t quite rotate to a swing shift rotation just yet.  It feels good to be up earlier and feel like you have more time to do this and that before the sun goes down. I ran some errands yesterday but I’m feeling slightly lazy.  I’ll meet Kelsey later for a gym class.  I’ve not been to the gym in a long time.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been getting my sweat on. I’ve been spending my days doing various workouts at home.  I rotate between the treadmill, Aaptiv weight/stretch workouts, and even hit up a few Walk Away The Pounds DVDs.  It has been paying off at the scale and helping me feel really good.  Even when I don’t quite feel like it.

I am working on my December Apple Watch Activity Challenge.  I decided to go at it with gusto and get all 13 dates completed right off the bat.

It was super hard to get my act in gear after several days of soreness but I managed to hit a 7-day streak last night.  WhooooHoooo!

After my gym meet up this evening, I’ll have my 11th day done.  

With my choppy work schedule this week, I am going to have to stay focused on getting this goal done each day.  I won’t be able to use the treadmill at work while I’m training our new employee Alex.  I’ll have to make the most of the time I have before work.