

10 Week Fitness Challenge: Week Five

I can't believe we are halfway through the 10 week challenge. I pledged to walk 120 miles in 10 weeks. I am still a bit ahead of schedule thanks to Danielle's FitBit and our walking in Vegas.

This ended up being a lower week then I had planned.

Sunday: 4 miles
I wanted to eat out and after putting myself on a budget this month I made a deal that if I walked to/from SouperSalad then I could spend the money eating out. It was a nice day for a walk so it all worked out well. Earned 5 APs.

Monday: No Activity
I work today and wasn't sure I really wanted to exercise after.  I should have gone to the Y to do my PT moves and get in some miles on the track. I had planned to go to dinner with Kenyon later that evening but mostly I just didn't feel like it. I was still a little down that I didn't have a loss this last week after walking so much lately. So I skipped my workout.

Tuesday: No Activity
I usually take Tuesday's off but in this case I had training for a bit in the morning and then work until 8pm. There was just not time to exercise.

Wednesday: No Activity
I felt a little guilty I skipped my workout today. The plan was to go to the Y straight from a visit with my aunt who was in the hospital after having knee surgery. My parents also came to visit and pretty soon I had talked myself out of it. On a positive note, my aunt was on the 5th floor so I walked up the stairs. I then found out I knew another person that was in the hospital after a surgery on the 9th floor. I walked the stairs from the 5th floor to the 9th floor and back again. So at least a small amount of activity.

Thursday: 2 miles
Since I took off the last few days I HAD to get to the Y for my PT exercises and to log some miles. Earned 3 APs.

Friday: 4.5 miles
I needed to go to the Dollar Store and get a walk in so I walked to the store. I also walked at a pretty fast pace since I had a lunch date with a friend. I burned some serious calories (which I proceeded to re-coop and MORE later at my birthday celebration downtown). 8 APs earned.

Saturday: No Activity
I had plans for getting in at least what I needed for my 12 miles this week but it just didn't work out. I was out at Murphy again helping with cleaning out my grandparents old house as they have just moved. I was exhausted so I never logged any miles.

Total for week five: 10.5

Total for challenge: 68.5 of 120 miles

Thank goodness I was a little ahead of the game! I need to not make so many excuses when it comes to getting in activity. I only earned half the APs I have been earning and I also ate twice the calories. Oooop!

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