

10 Years Ago, My Life Changed For The Better

Ten years ago, on this date, my sister Katie had an early birthday party and invited her coworker Kenyon so I could meet him.  Even though I really didn’t want to date and wasn’t really wanted to meet anybody, fate stepped in and said otherwise.  Now, I can’t even imagine life without Kenyon in it.

It is so cliché to say “it happens when it is meant to happen” but I honestly believe it.  And, I think it also happens when a person is fully ready to accept all that comes with a healthy, solid, and committed relationship.  We can all pretend we are ready to settle down, but fate really knows when you are ready.

Each patch we take is a journey we are meant to be on.  We may not know why we are on this journey, but there is a reason.  So give it some trust and keep working on being the best person you can be.  Then, you might find that special someone is waiting there for you on the other side….right when the time is right.

I’m going to share some of my favorite Catana Comics which really speak to me.  I love this artist and how much I resonates with how much Catana loves her boyfriend.  I often screen print them and send them over to Kenyon.

Our official 10-year wedding anniversary is in March.  I’m looking forward to celebrating when we go on our Europe River Cruise in late 2018.

Love You Kenyon.  xoxoxoxo


Weekly Wi: A Small Gain

Thankfully, a coworker came through on working the extra 2-hour shift that needed covered tonight so I was glad I could attend my WW meeting. 
It isn't a meeting I would go to often because traffic getting there was a nightmare.  But, it was a good meeting.  The leader was a sub for the sub and I've never met her, although she might have looked familiar.  Her name is Tammy and she was a 30-year veteran of the armed forces.  She started out by sharing she was nervous to come lead a meeting with a group of people she had never met.  Then, she realized that in her military career that she moved all over the country meeting new people but was never nervous because they all shared a common bond...the military.  She paralleled that with WW in that while she doesn't know any of us, we all share a common bond and an understanding amongst ourselves.  I thought that was a really great way to look at it and I was glad she shared.  I also didn't care for the meeting member dynamic so I think I'll stick my usual Monday night meeting.  I just wasn't able to attend early this week due to work.

My weight was up 0.4 from last week and since it is a short time between Thursday and Monday (my next WI), I'll focus on just getting that 0.4 pounds off.  Since I have plans on Friday and I'm sure Kenyon and I will eat out on Saturday, we shall see how it goes.  I’m already trying to get a plan in place and try to peep-talk myself through the next few days.

I really do miss those large losses and I want to see them again!  I just need to push myself harder and be stricter with myself when it comes to the extras that prevent that and my inner temper tantrums.


I Need A Nap

I am tired.

Maybe I didn’t sleep well but today I feel exhausted.  I had a million errands to run and only today to do it, so I got up when my alarm went off at 2pm and I’ve been going ever since.  I am now at work until 6am.  And, I’ve gotta work two extra hours tomorrow.  Oh please Friday…come quickly! I’m burning the candle at both ends this week.

In the early afternoon, I went out to my sister’s house so I could help my nieces apply their 4th of July Jamberry wraps.  I had bought them earlier in the month and wanted to wait as long as possible before applying them in hopes they are still on come the actual holiday next week.  They turned out cute.


I will be meeting up with my Jamberry consultant, along with some other Jamberry gals, to have our 4th of July mani party on Friday.  I’m super stoked to apply my holiday wraps.  Then, Phoenix secured a babysitter so we are planning to go downtown and just hang out.  We will grab some beers and people watch.  Maybe eat some yummy food.  We are sort of just keeping it casual.

How is it only Wednesday?  This weekend is dragging big time!


Checking In On Tuesday

Happy Tuesday to you all.  It’s only day two at work but I have my sights set on days off this week.

After my excessive eating on Sunday, the scale at home was quite ugly when I checked in yesterday.  Thankfully, it has come back down today.  I am super swamped this week so I can’t attend a meeting until Thursday.  I definitely suffered from “I don’t WI until Thursday, I can eat this high point food…” one more than one occasion last week.  I also didn’t do well keeping up with my goal of 100% tracking either.

My motto for this week is: One Day.  One Meal.

I want to stay focused on just one meal and making the next one just as good as the last and/or getting back on track ASAP.  I’ll admit, I am happy my days off are changing to Tuesday-Thursday as this will mean I’ll be doing my WI on Mondays and then having my days off following WI.  Right now, I seem to eat in excesses before WI, which is hurting me.

My motivation is still not very strong and I’ve not done really well with meal planning this week.  My crockpot has been on the fritz but seemed to be working so I started a pork roast only to find it quit on me sometime during my sleep-time.  Ugh.  So, I’m having stand-by chicken today and will put another roast in tomorrow (I bought a two-pack).  I’m also planning stuffed peppers and meatloaf for this week.

I’ll check back in after my official WI.  I am feeling motivated in getting under 200 pounds.  I just know that it will take time so it has been hard to stay focused.


Norwex EnviroCloth & WindowCloth

Are you familiar with Norwex?  It is a company that sells eco-friendly cleaning products and I’m hosted a party on Sunday and it was a huge success.  It was so much fun learning more and getting my house cleaned by somebody else.

When I went to my last Jamberry get-together, my consultant was telling me about her Norwex cloth and how it had cleaned her house (and windows) before we arrived.  I had heard the ladies talk about Norwex at other get-togethers but I never really looked into it further.  It’s not like I really need to be spending more money on home-party gigs.  But…

After seeing a demo on the EnviroCloth and WindowCloth in action, along with hearing the buzz words: good for stainless steel, granite counter tops, and gas stoves, I was hooked.  I ordered my cloth set and have been using it for a few weeks now.  I love how my kitchen shines!  Here are some before/after photos.


First clean with your wet EnviroCloth

Then dry with your WindoCloth

Look at that shine!

Ooohhhh Sooooo Shiny

What I love most about my EnviroCloth is that I can use it all week before washing it and there is no smell!  Due to something called BacLock, it also doesn’t transfer bacteria.  All you have to do is rinse the cloth well and hang it to dry by its’ tag.  I hate stinky kitchen wash clothes that you can only use one.  So this was a huge plus in my book. 

Oh, and did I tell you I clean my whole kitchen (and bathroom) with the EnviroCloth and water.  Nothing else!  I love it.  They sell a four-pack travel size and I’m also interested in some of their kitchen towels.  I can't wait until my other products arrive so I can keep the clean going.


Mom Is Retired

On Thursday, the school district that my Mom has worked for the last 28 years threw a retirement party for her and two other coworkers.  I was able to make a switch with my coworker so I could attend and I am so glad I did.  It was such a nice party and I got to visit with so many people. 

The party was held at Huston Vineyards on Chicken Dinner Road north of Marsing.  I am familiar with the Huston wine but this was my first time actually out at the winery.  It was such a cute space and perfect for entertaining a small group. 


It was a nice day and there was a lot of shade with table and chairs set up.  They were each given a homemade quilt made from the t-shirts from each of the schools in the district.  What a wonderful idea!


I bought a bottle of Chicken Dinner White to share (but ended up drinking quite a bit of it myself) and they had some appetizers.  The party lasted for two hours and then we went back to my parent’s house for pizza, salad, and beer.


I am so happy for my Mom.  She has worked so hard and given so much of her time to the district office that it is her time to relax.  I know she is a little nervous about retirement but I am sure she will find a new routine and enjoy it.

Congrats Mom on the next chapter of your life.



Sharing Blog Posts From My Weight Loss Journey: When The Pocketbook Meets The Scale

I’m sharing old blog post from my weight loss journey when I blogged on another site:

May 2, 2011

When The Pocketbook Meets The Scale

I am going to have to pay for my WI today. It is a new month and I will be over my goal by more than two pounds. I am hopeful the “more than” part will still be manageable. Weight loss and maintenance for me are both very mental. So really it is my pride that takes a hit in addition to my wallet. The scale does not dictate a good week or a bad week. It is just feedback. And, I have not had to pay since the month of January. There are many positives among knowing I am over my goal. I know it isn’t permanent. I will do what I need to do to get back under goal because I am confident in my weight loss and maintenance and my new healthy behaviors I have set in place.

I have been in quite the funk lately. Not really sure what is going on. I am in the middle of training for a half marathon I will be walking on May 14th. I completed an 11.25 mile walk a few weeks ago and since then I seem to have lost my motivation. I am tired. I am missing Kenyon since we are on opposite shifts with only one overlapping day off. I am just really in a rut. I was a bit loosey goosey with my food intake two weeks ago and am really paying for it (literally) this week. I am not sure if my thyroid is off or I am just looking for an excuse.

I am also feeling fat. I hate fat days. Sort of like a bad hair day but worse. There are times I look in the mirror and think I am fine and there are times I just feel fat. My clothes feel tight or I see my muffin top hanging over my jeans more than usual. I would LOVE to be down 5 pounds but realistically, that just takes too much effort. I got tired of trying to lose on 29 DPA and finally just said, “to heck with it.” I increased my DPA to 35 and have been making a really good effort to track really well. I have been eating out more than usual and again this week will involve a lot of eating out. I can manage. Balance. Back to basics. I need to remember this!

So, as usual, I just keep moving forward. There really is no other option. I could throw myself a pity party inviting all the foods I used to know and love. That wouldn’t solve anything. I would just feel more miserable, fat, and just have to pay another week at the scale.

So, pull up my big girl panties and get back into it. I have 13.1 miles to bust out in a few weeks!


Weekly WI: 25 Pounds Of Re-Gain Is Gone

I’m doing the happy dance today…


Since I had to attend a meeting out of the norm, I wasn’t sure if I’d get a (another) 25 pound charm but thankfully the leader Susan knew me and asked if I wanted one.  Um, heck ya!  I like seeing my hard work pay off.  However, it looks like I need to start using my other WW charm holder since my original one is getting pretty full.


I lost exactly one pound which is all I needed to earn my 25 pound charm.  It sure felt good.  I know I need to continue to stay re-focused and work really hard to stay positive.  I shared a little in my meeting about how I feel a bit unmotivated lately.  I got some great ideas from my fellow meeting members.  That is why I love the meetings so much.

I think I’m just tired and feeling burnt out at work and thus letting that take over some of my headspace since there are very little days off.  I’m hopefully for some reprieve in July.

I met up with Tyson today at his new, possibly temporary, gym.  It is different than when he trained out of Planet Fitness but still has some good equipment.  He is thinking he will continue to research various gyms over the next month.  I’m going to stick it out with him and see where he ends up.  It is so tempting to quit my sessions because it feels so hard sometimes.  The arm workout today felt brutal.  In reality I am huge weenie.


Delayed Gratification

I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this afternoon and got on the scale at home.  I had feared the worse for my WI today but instead, saw a loss of over three pounds.  WTH? 

I have this bad habit of doing my home WI on both Mondays and Tuesdays.  I skipped my meeting scale last week because it had jumped over night, due to what I ate so not true weight gain. 

Last Monday: 228.3

Last Tuesday: 230.8

Today: 227.5

So, I was hopeful I might see my 25 pound star at my meeting but I wasn’t holding my breath.  At least I was back down to “normal” from my spike last week.  As it turns out, I wasn’t able to attend me meeting because I got called into work early (an hour before they needed me here).  So, I’ll have delay my gratification at the scale until tomorrow.  I think I’ll be able to pop into the 5:30pm meeting tomorrow.  I’ve also got my training appointment at 3pm but there should be enough time. 

Sadly, my trainer has lost his ability to train out of the gym he has been at so now I’ve got to drive further to our sessions (and in some possible rush hour traffic on my drive home).  I told Tyson I’ve got two sessions left this week so I’ll finish it out, but we will see after that.  It is also time to take measurements.  I don’t want to quit because it has been helpful to my weight loss.  But…it is annoying he had to switch places.  I’m sure it is more annoying to him than I so I had best suck it up!

I was feeling pretty down on myself these last few weeks with body image and appreciating where I am at.  My friend Brenda had a lot of complementary things to say when she saw me on Saturday since it had been a few months.  It made me feel good for sure.  I know she was struggling with some extra weight since summer break started and her family is in town from Chile.  We each have something that plaques us!  I was looking over my weight record at my weight last year, so I could compare where I am this year.

Last year I had been skipping the scale and most of my weekly meetings.  I was feeling really bad about myself and guilty for gaining so much weight back.  My weight record last year showed me at 253.0 pounds on June 27, 2016.  So it has been exactly one year since I reached my all-time highest re-gain weight.  And the straw the finally broke the camel’s back.  It will feel so good to get my 25 pound start and will be a good reminder as to why I need to stay focused and keep working at it.  One day at a time!


Saturday Par-Tay x2

Happy Father’s Day to all the great Dads out there.  I know I sure got a good one.  My Dad has an annual Ihli-men fishing weekend each year so I won’t be celebrating with him today.  I’m actually at work (go figure).  So…if you are celebrating with your Dad, have fun and toast one for me.

My Saturday day-off was fun-filled and went by quick. I was actually pretty exhausted from my work week so I didn’t party all that hard.  I got myself gussied up and decided to wear my new Sassy Z Lipsense color.  I do like a natural lip but I also want it to be noticeable.  I like this color.  I put my glitter gloss on top and was ready to party!

First up was our realtor team’s Customer Appreciation party.  They had it in a nearby park with bouncy house and face painting for the kiddos.  Christina’s husband Lane cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs and guests brought sides and desserts.  It was a nice spread and very yummy.  I hadn’t eaten due to being really busy before the party so I was starved! 

Christina & Company collected donations for breast cancer research in which their company then matched those donations.  Kelli Day, an important part of our realtor team battled breast cancer a few years ago so this organization is near and dear to everybody.  They presented a check for the total amount at the party.  Some tears were shed taking about how wonderful Kelli is and how we are happy she is with us (and has a baby on the way).

We were about to say our goodbyes a little early when Christina told me not to leave yet.  I wasn’t sure what to expect but had thought maybe I won Client of the Year.  I had heard this award was up for grabs and knew I had referred a few Christina’s way.  My referrals ended up with closing on six homes and so I won Client of the Year.  WhooooHoooo!

We also won some super generous prizes.  Thank you Christina & Company.  You have always been an amazing group to work with and even though we don’t plan to sell/buy in the future, I’ll keep putting the word out to anybody that could use a good realtor in the Treasure Valley area.

I didn’t take any photos of Brenda’s Luau Party.  There was a lot more people this year than last year and it was great to see some familiar faces.  I had driven all over town looking for Watermelon Shandy beer and also found Grapefruit Shandy.  Both were good but I like the grapefruit better.

I am looking forward to some downtime when I get home from work tonight.  Tomorrow, I face the scale.  I’ll report back (but be prepared for ugly!)


Working On Positivity And Motivation

I have two more days to go this week and then I get my (sadly) only day off.  This has been a long week and I’m looking forward to a break.  It is going to be a busy day off though spending time with Kenyon and my friends.  We have a Hawaiian Luau to attend along with a BBQ that my realtor team is putting on.  Bring on the summer fun!

I had my personal training session before I came to work.  Today was leg day.  I’ll tell ya, days like today make me really re-think this whole personal training idea.  IT IS HARD.  I know he has to push me out of my comfort zone but I just flat out don’t like it.  It is really hard for me to mentally keep going when I just wish he would lower the weight amount.  The good news is I lived through it to be able to write this blog post.  So, I guess he does know what he is doing.

I’ve got one more week and then we can take more measurements.  I’m really struggling with my healthy living motivation so I have no idea if there will be inches lost.  I was reflecting on my weight loss and how slow it feels.  I have an old WW friend that has re-motivated herself to get healthy again and has lost 25 pounds over the last two months.  I’ve lost almost 25 pounds over the last six months.  She has more to lose than I do but it is still really easy to get down on myself.  I was giving myself a pep-talk to remind myself that I am DOWN almost 25 pounds and that is what matters…not how long it has taken me.

I’ll keep working on my positive attitude and my motivation.


Sharing Blog Posts From My Weight Loss Journey: Four Years With Weight Watchers

I’m sharing old blog post from my weight loss journey when I blogged on another site:

January 14, 2011

Four Years With Weight Watchers

I have not written in a while. We were restricted at work from the internet for a little bit and I sort of got away from goofing off like I used to. I even bought an iPad so that I could enjoy being on the internet at home without having to start up the computer. 

January marks the four year anniversary of joining Weight Watchers. I know everybody says the same thing, “If you had told me I would be 130 pounds lighter, I wouldn’t have believed you.” I really can’t believe how far I’ve come. In the last four year I have gained my life back, lost weight, walked several 5Ks, a 10K and a half marathon. I also have three Lifetime keys (20 months Lifetime in November) and have only had to pay twice in the last two years. 

I have to remember my accomplishments. Some days I need a reminder of why I am on this journey. The day in/day out and struggle with wanting to drop some weight gets tiring. 

I am up 10 pounds from last year. I don’t really know why exactly except I am sure it has to do with diet and exercise. I just sort of got tired of living by the scale. Is this the weight my body wants to be? Perhaps. I still want to lose some. My pants feel tight and I would like to get rid of my muffin top. It all takes time. It is a slow process. 

What I have come to realize is that once the eating habits change for the better, weight loss can seem harder. I am eating about 80% healthy and 20% unhealthy. So, I either have to cut back that 20% and feel deprived or I need to work out extra hard in the gym. Neither sound like much fun to me. 

Truth is, I don’t like being right at my goal. When I was 10 pounds under goal it was carefree. I didn’t have to worry about going out to eat the night before WI because I knew I was still under goal. Often, I am stressed and worried I will have to pay.  So, something has to change. 

Why it is hard for me is because my eating habits have not gotten worse. I still weigh and measure all my food and I almost always eat what I planned even when coworkers are eating out. I have safeguards in place. I don’t worry about going to McDonalds and getting a Big Mac. I don’t worry about eating a whole pizza instead of just a few slices. I have control over my food. So where is the missing link on losing weight again?

I am still working on that. Still trying find the right combination to kick start my weight loss again.  In the meantime, I keep doing what I am doing because even though I have gained 10 pounds, I am still at goal with WW and still a Lifetime member. That….is….awesome!


Weekly WI: A Pass At The Scale

I skipped my WI in lieu of attending my meeting.  As of yesterday, the scale at home was showing a maintain.  Then, I binged on pizza (after drinking two patio beers with my neighbor Trini) so…skipping the scale today was the best idea.  I just couldn’t mentally comprehend a 2 pound gain today all because of a weak food moment.

I don’t think I self-sabotage but lately when I get close to a milestone (the many times I almost made it into the 220s) and then don’t meet that milestone (the one pound I needed to lose this week to hit my 25 pound start).  Maybe I do.  I feel that up until Friday evening, my food was on track…and my tracker was completed accurately.  Friday and Saturday I indulged in some Ben & Jerry’s and Saturday was my Hawaiian Party with food/drinks indulgence. 

Today I am feeling frumpy, fat, bloated, and pretty much down in the dumps.  I’m low on energy and motivation.  Why can’t weight loss be easy?  Weight gain sure is!  I am also super bored with my meal plan and I know that contributes to my lack of motivation.

I was able to buy in some groceries after my WW meeting and then headed to my personal training session.  I learned that Tyson will have to move to a new gym so the fate of training is up in the air.  Poor guy was pretty stressed out today.  I was super low on motivation/tired so we made quite the pair today.  That didn’t keep him from killing my arms during our workout today.  It was downright painful taking my sports bra off when it was time to get ready for work.  I guess that means it working?  Ha.


Sharing Blog Posts From My Weight Loss Journey: I Look Normal

I’m sharing old blog post from my weight loss journey when I blogged on another site:

June 23, 2010

I Look Normal

I don’t look good or bad but just normal. I saw that written on a blog I read once. I think it is a good reminder for me. I can get pretty down sometimes when my pants are tight and/or the scale is up (or both…no wonder my pants are tight!) I do not weigh 166 like I did before Christmas. I also do not weigh 304 like I did before I joined WW. 

When a WW member gets to goal, all the leaders always discourage you in going too low below your goal. WW sets the “lifetime status” restrictions so that a person says between 2 pounds above or below their goal. That is actual quite reasonable. I knew being 10 pounds below my goal wasn’t the best. Now that those 10 pounds have found their way back to me, my pants are uncomfortable and my muffin top feels HUGE. 

What is most frustrating is that my nutrition has not changed. I am not eating Twinkies and HoHos or going to the fast food joints for double cheese burgers with bacon and mayo. I am still eating my fruits, veggies, and lean protein. I still get in my water and eat my whole grain carbohydrates. It really does drive me crazy! The unknown right now could be my thyroid medication. I am on a new dose and seeing a new specialist so that is the best I can do right now. 

I am also getting ready to change shifts at work. I like being on night shift. I enjoy getting up in the afternoon and getting my exercise in. The sun is shining and it makes going out for exercise that much more fun. I am planning to take classes at the Y again. Try to focus on something other than my pants not fitting anymore. 

Losing weight is only the first part of the battle. The second part is keeping the weight off. Only, keeping the weight off takes longer then losing the weight (or for me it did). I’ve known others to struggle at the scale. I’ve tried to help understand what they are feeling but never really knew how stressful it is to be that close to the “high end” of your goal and possibly having to pay to attend meetings again. 

I am not beating myself up too much. I am down about 2 pounds or so from our cruise. I just have to stay mindful of what I’m eating, keep tracking, and make good food decisions. I also need to up my exercise just to ward off being sluggish a lot. My body is strong. It doesn’t matter the number on the scale.


Annual Hawaiian Party

We had a wonderful Hawaiian Party yesterday.  I only ended up taking one photo…


This was Emma is her Hawaiian attire which I snapped before the party started.  It must be a sign of a great party if you are having so much fun you don’t take any photos!  I guess I’ll just have to use my memories. 

The weather was causing me some anxiety prior to my guest arriving.  A large rainstorm came through around noon and our temps were quite chilly along with some wind.  My hope was for an inside/outside party in where we could use the covered patio and have the windows open.  By the time 4pm rolled around, the sun was out, the temp came up, and the wind died down.  So…it was perfect for an inside/outside party, the first in our new home.

I made my usual pulled pork and jasmine rice and Mom brought the pineapple coleslaw.  I also had some watermelon, strawberries, and pineapple.  My sister Jenny brought cookies and cream cupcakes, my niece Hailey made lemon cupcakes, my friend Danielle brought some coconut lime banana bread, and my Mom brought a rhubarb cobbler.  I served Mai Thais, tea, and lemonade, and Phoenix brought stuff for an alcoholic beverage called a Mermaid Lemonade. 

Friends and family came out for some good food, visiting, and laughter.  It was a really great Saturday afternoon.

My niece Emma stayed the night along with Phoenix’s daughter Kiki.  Boy did those two have fun.  We took the girls to Texas Roadhouse for a late dinner and then played the game Clue.  They mostly entertained themselves on their tablets and we didn’t hear a peep out of them.  It was a very late night though so they ended up sleeping in until 10am!  That works since Kenyon and I are on night shift.

I don’t want the weekend to end…but alas…I’m on overtime today.


Ready For The Weekend

My trainer and I had an arm day on Tuesday and a leg day on Thursday.  I am feeling the leg day and am super sore.  I did a quick 20 minute WATP shake out workout so I could at least get some blood pumping.  I’m still struggling with not feeling the activity.
Good news though, my food is on track this week!  And, I ran out of time today to stop by Panda Express on my way to work so I am eating my pre-planned meals/frozen dinner instead.  That will help with extra points I can spent tomorrow during my annual Hawaiian Party.  I picked up all the supplies to make the yummiest Mai Thai drinks.  Yummmm-o!
I just have to get through the rest of my 10-hour work shift.

My trainer asked me on Thursday if I knew how much weight I had lifted when I did my leg press.  I saw it was a 45 pound weight and he said last week I lifted 50 pounds and this week 90 pounds.  I could definitely feel the difference and my legs were like jell-o after my workout.  I can still get down on myself with how week I am but I am working at getting stronger.
Have a good weekend.


How You Feel Matters

I want it to go on record that I didn’t lie to you. 

I was able to fit into a size 16W when I went shopping but as it turns out, they are just not as comfortable at the 18W.  Once I had them on a little longer than just in the dressing room, I was instantly super-aware of the over-hang (aka muffin top) that I had with the size 16W but not the 18W.  There is nothing that bugs me more than the darn muffin top.  It was almost like I couldn’t even focus on anything else because I was so uncomfortable.  Thankfully, Phoenix was over for a patio beer and helped me decide that it wasn’t worth the vanity of a 16W if I wasn’t going to comfortable.  And she is right.  The white capris I wore with my Flo costume on Sunday were a size 18W (they didn’t have a 16W at either store) and I was really comfortable. 


It has taken me a long time to find positive appreciation for my body.  Going from plus size to regular size with extra skin back to plus size hasn’t been easy.  And buying a new wardrobe isn’t cheap!  I almost talked myself into keeping the size 16W because I am really trying to work hard to get smaller.  The only problem is that until the 16W fits more comfortably, it makes me feel bad about myself.  And, I’m not working this hard to feel bad about myself!


So for at least this summer, I’ll be wearing my size 18W carpis and feeling good about myself.



Weekly WI: 220s!!!

Having to delay my WI a day due to a flat tire turned out to be for my advantage.  I got on the scale first thing this morning and saw it had come back down from my large intake of food the days prior.  And...I was pretty sure I'd see 229, or at least I sure hoped so.  AND I DID!  I was 229.0 and down a pound from my WI last week.  I got a nice message on my WW app when I entered my weight.

Yeeeehaaaw!  My goal this week is to lose at least one pound so I can claim my 25 pound star.  It has taken me too long since earning my 20 pound star that I am well past due. 

The months of April and May were not real great on the weight loss front, however, I am still less now than I was in April so that is all that counts.  I took screen shots of my weigh-in chart on the WW app.  The last three months sure does look like a roller coaster.

3 Months

6 months

But, from last year, I am showing a downward trend.  I was last in the 220s in April 2016 so again, I'm making great progress.

1 year

I have also re-claimed my 75 pounds lost from my original starting weight.  I really want to be back under 200 but with time, it will come.  I just have to keep working hard at it and stay focused on my weight loss goals.

We started our new charm challenge.  It is funny because the challenge goes for 13-weeks, which is exactly how long we have until our next vacation.  I thought the sticker said "celebrate" so I wrote "220s" because that is what I was celebrating.