

It's Time For Girls Weekend

Girls Weekend has begun!

Our group got a little smaller with one dropping out on us.  I’m bummed but still looking forward to the group we have this year.  We are sure to have lot of fun.

I’m not sure if I’ll check in this weekend but know that I’ll be recapping our adventures soon.


Weekly WI: All The Gains

Well, WI this week did not go so well.

My gain this week meant I also had a gain for the month of June.

And, this also means I am also up 2.6 pound for 2019.  That does bum me out a bit since we are halfway through the year.  I am going to chose to shake it off and keep on truckin’.  When I look at the big picture aspect, being up 2.6 pounds for this year is pretty good.  After all, maintenance means you are above your goal no more than 2 pounds.  I need to continue to stay mindful of my tracking and activity and keep working on balance.  I’m just not ready to cut back on my social events.  I’m having a really great summer.

The hardest part of the gain was knowing that it is right before Girls Weekend, which will be filled with lots of splurges.  I’m keeping myself in check Tuesday - Thursday and will make sure I get right back on track Sunday evening - Tuesday.  I won’t be doing my WI next week until Wednesday so maybe that extra day will help.  I’m also debating getting on my home scale Friday morning so I can compare it with Wednesday morning before I go to my meeting.  If I can maintain, I’ll be happy.  Tracking is key to keeping me in check until we head out of town.  

I also have to get in four miles per day through the end of the month if I’m going to complete my June Apple Watch Activity Challenge.  So, this is helping me stay mindful as well.  I don’t want to mess up the good feeling I have after exercising by eating a bunch of crap food.  

I’m struggling this week with dessert, mostly the want for ice cream.  I got some sugar free popsicles to help me get by this week.

It’s my day off with Kenyon so I’m looking forward to time with him.  Have a great day.


Go Out There And Be Confident

Today I had the neatest experience and wanted to share with you.  WI wasn’t that exciting so I’ll share that tomorrow.

I finally had the guts to wear my form fitting workout capris to the gym today.  I even popped into a couple nearby stores afterwards.

As I was crossing the parking lot from the gym to Walgreens, I came across a guy who was getting out of his car.  I think he worked at the gym and he was wearing business casual attire.  He called out to me and saying "Good job. Keep it up."  Then he stopped me and asked if he could get my opinion. He wanted to know if the color of his shirt and pants went together.  He shared that he needed to wash his shirt and this back-up shirt was all he had available.  “Be honest", he said.  I told him I thought it looked just fine but I wasn't up on the latest fashion dos/don'ts.  I added that today was the first time I was wearing this tight of pants in public to the gym.  So, I asked him, "Be honest.  Can I pull this off?” 

He told me the capris looked good and that he was proud of me for wearing them.  He wished me one more "Good luck" and to "Keep up the good work".

Confidence always matters most.  And little by little, I’ve been more confident to wear these workout capris to the gym.  I had decided today was the day and was glad I chose this day and had this particular experience.  I also noticed that every other woman in my exercise class today was wearing form fitting capris or pants.  It made me think that if they can wear them, I can wear them too.

Go out there and be confident today.


Work Woes: The Sky Is Falling

It’s my Fri-Yay and an extended break from work due to Girls Weekend.  Fingers crossed nobody calling sick at work on my days off.

I am working the 10am – 8pm shift.  It looks like I dodged a bullet this morning as we had another major crash.  I have no idea what the heck is going on with the motoring public these days but my fellow dispatchers and troopers just can’t catch a break.  The worst part of it all isn’t the crash itself but all the look-e-loos who slow and/or stop to take a photo or a video.  Like seriously people?!?! 

Okay, rant over.

I had plans to sleep in and exercise today.  I was thankful to get my workout in on the treadmill yesterday because I was dead to the world later in the day.  I didn’t quite get in enough steps/miles but was glad to have gotten in some.  I had absolutely no motivation this morning for getting on the treadmill once my alarm went off.  After lying in bed on Facebook for way too long, I knew I needed to just do it.  Plus, I wasn’t able to eat or drink until my thyroid pills had a chance to get into my system so really, I had no excuse.  Thanks to FB memories today for also motivating me to get ‘er done.


I logged just over 2 miles on the treadmill while I watched a Lifetime book-to-screen movie by Jane Green.  I’ve read one of her novels and have enjoyed the two movies that Lifetime has aired thus far.  There is one more coming up next week.  This movie was called To Have And To Hold.  I really like Erica Christensen and I enjoyed this movie a lot.  Great supporting characters.

After my treadmill/movie walk, I got the kitchen cleaned up and my food all squared away for the day.  I always feel so good when I leave the house clean, have made the bed, and gotten in my exercise.  Surely that means today will be a great day! 

And with that…a few more crashes have come in.  Gotta go.


Sunday Ins & Outs

Hello and Happy Sunday.

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend off.  It is a beautiful day here in my neck of the woods but I don’t get to go outside and play until 4pm.

I am blogging from the console treadmill at work while I get in some activity.  I was exhausted last night and while I did get changed into my workout clothes, I never made it farther then making dinner, grocery shopping, and the couch.  I even thought I had my second wind after dinner but nope.  The act of exercise sounding even more exhausting.  So, I took and rest day and am trying to play catch up.  I have no idea why this June Apple Watch Activity Challenge has been so difficult this month.

We had a Team Kristin Brunch at work today since two of our team members are switching to other shifts for Quarter 3.  I will switch shifts later in the year for Quarter 4.  I didn’t do as much rotating this year since Kenyon took a temporary gig on a Monday – Friday shift so he didn’t have to rotate as usual.  That is no longer the case so we will spend the last part of the year on graveyard again.  In a weird way, I’m looking forward to sleeping in and staying up all night.  The brunch was delicious with a great spread.  I am not sure how this might affect WI on Tuesday, but if it does, oh well.

I’m feeling good about my tracking these last few days.  The week started out rough with no blue dots and going over my points each day.  Then, I was feeling pretty good and was back on track.  Today I feel bloated.  Of course this bloat comes on just before my Tuesday WI.  Being a women is the worst sometimes.  I’ll wait and see how this shakes out but I do plan to earn my blue to today and tomorrow.

We’ve been planning our Girls Weekend, which starts on Friday.  Mostly we are coordinating alcohol.  Ha!  This will be the most we have “partied” on a Girls Weekend, partly due to the crowd coming this year and partly due to the destination.  I’m hoping next year we can make good on our timeshare/travel program and do our Girls Weekend out of town.  I still owe you a blog post on our timeshare/travel program which we acquired on our last Vegas trip. 

I guess that is about it for today.  I don’t feel like I have much to report.  I’m feeling sort of blah these days and a bit “weepy” which means it’s probably that time-of-the-month and also why I’m feeling extra bloat.

On that note…toot-a-loo


Coffee Snob

I am a pretty big coffee snob and also pretty particular about my espresso.  I have a few coffee shops in the area I enjoy frequenting, the most is my beloved Starbucks.

When I started drinking coffee, I drank the fancy ones.  You know the kind that has way more milk than coffee and are full of sugary mix-ins and flavorings.  After I started my WW Journey, my coffee tastes changed when the fancy drinks because a zillion points.  I gave up the fancy in lieu of a non-fat latte with sugar free flavoring.  Later, when I decided to give up milk so I could reduce my daily sugar consumption even more, I was afraid I’d have to give up coffee from the coffee shop all together.  Then, a coworker introduced me to the Americano.

An Americano is espresso and hot water, which has no points.  I drink mine with a little cream and when I’m feeling really wild some sugar free flavoring.  I like to mix it up from time to time by adding in one or two pumps of Chai or during the fall season my beloved Pumpkin Spice sauce.  I also love egg nog during the winter months in place of cream.  Pretty soon, I’ve found my coffee tastes evolving even more because I’m super picky and I hate when my Iced Americano gets too “watery”.  I prefer my espresso brewed over ice and then add more ice and maybe a little water.  I enjoy the coffee taste so I really hate when it is watered down too much.

Thus, I’ve started ordering an Iced Espresso, which is four shots brewed over ice.  This way I can add my own amount of water and not risk it getting too watered down.  The only problem with this order is some of the Starbucks baristas think that the bigger cup with no added water means you need to add all. the. cream.  Nooooooo…….


So, this could be part of why losing weight feels like a struggle right now.  I did say “part of” because we all know alcohol has a part in there too!  But, this excess cream is 1) not necessary, 2) costing me way too many points, and 3) taking away from that delicious coffee taste I was getting with the espresso brewed over ice.

I know, I’m high maintenance.

I love the Starbucks mobile ordering system because my drink is ready to go when I arrive.  And, with my new Iced Espresso drink, it doesn’t really matter if it my drink sits out longer for me to arrive because I’ve not added any extra water to it yet, thus, it isn’t watered down.  This cream thing though, it throws a kink in things.

I think I’m going to have to start ordering it with no cream and then going inside the store to add my own each time I visit.  The lazy part of me that loves being able to pick up my coffee at the drive-thru wishes this wasn’t the case.  But, for the sake of my waistline, I think I need to.

Starbucks, I thought you knew me better than this.  Also, there is a fancy label that prints out when I place a mobile order.  Read It!


Deep Thoughts For A Friday

Morning.  Happy Friday to those starting their weekend.  As usual, I’m starting my work week….wah…I’m not ready.  But, I’m hopefully having some fun this afternoon as I’ve coordinated a work Family Picnic Party in the park.  Let the fun begin!

I haven’t had the best start to my healthy living week and I’ve been swamped Wednesday and Thursday that I’ve not gotten in enough steps/miles.  Gah!  It feels stressful but I’m going to keep plugging along and do my very best each day left of this week and this month.  It is crazy June is almost over.

Oh yeah…Hello Summer!  Sadly, our temps have taken a dive but we are to come back up this week.

I had a nice FB Memory pop up reminding me of my 25 pound re-loss charm that I earned two years ago.


Even though I’ve not had the best week with food/splurges, I am 11 pounds lighter than I was two years ago.  That makes me really happy.  I’m a mix of mental emotions when I think of weight loss vs. maintenance vs. gaining. Of course, I hate gaining weight.  I mean unless you have a medical condition that requires to you put on weight, nobody really likes that.  Maintenance is nice if it is the alternative to gaining weight.  And, it is really awesome if you are where you want to be and/or content with where you are in your journey.  Losing is only fun when…well…you are losing.  But boy does it feel good to see the pounds drop off and feeling super awesome in your clothing.

That is where the mental hang up is lately.  I want to be lower and after thinking back on 209, which I saw in March, I miss that and want to get back down there.  When I see photos from my under 200 days, I remember how great that felt.  Well, I first remember what a struggle it was but now, in hindsight, I see it was a good thing.  And, I so desperately want to be there.

But I also desperately want to have fun and my kind of fun comes with food and alcohol.  I am not willing to cut that.  Where do we go from here?  Boy don’t I wish I had the answer. 

One day at a time. 

One meal at a time.


The Thursday Rush

I feel like I’m really behind today!

We slept in late, in fact Kenyon is still sleeping and it is almost noon.  I guess I had better go check on him.  I’ve got grocery shopping that needs to get done today and some meal planning.  I’ve done a rough highlight of a meal plan for the week and will be running to Costco and Walmart.  I decided to go with Grocery Pick Up at Walmart to save me some time.

It is a cool day today and would be perfect for a walk but again, feeling stressed on my time management.  I’m babysitting for a prior coworker this afternoon/evening at her house and I start back up at work tomorrow.  In fact, I’m hosting a Family Picnic in the park tomorrow for my coworkers so I’ve got to get my bring-your-own-picnic all ready to go as well.  Busy…busy…busy.

Lastly, I’ve got to get in some activity.  I think I’ll shower and changed into my workout clothes so I can run my errands, get in some steps, and then hopefully get in some treadmill time or an outside walk once I know the grocery shopping and meal planning has been done.  I was able to get 2.7 miles yesterday with no formal activity but I’m feeling really behind on my monthly challenge thus far.

Okay, I better get moving.  Tootles!

P.S. I redeemed some WW Wins for a new hat, Unstoppable.  It will be great for when I go out for walks and/or travel.


Oh Hello Wednesday

Good Morning

We are having a realtor come to the house this morning to evaluate if we have enough equity to get rid of our PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance).  We have already checked in with our realtor and know that should be good.  Building a new home in a Phase 1 neighborhood has it benefits in that your home grows in value as it continues to develop.  Also, we are in an area that has exploded for growth and cost, which is great news.  Now, if it just stay this high over the next 10 years that will be awesome.  Anyway, she needs to snap a few photos so I’m doing some cleaning this morning.  Our house is almost always ready for a visitor but in this case, I’ll spruce it up a bit more.

I also need to get my activity done for the day.  I usually attend a morning gym class but with the realtor coming, I’ll stick around the house.  I’ll miss the actual appointment though as I have to leave for my hair appointment.  I love hair cut day!  

I’m meeting Phoenix and Brenda for lunch and a gab session.  I’ve not seen Brenda since December so it will be nice to catch up.  She has just been to Cabo.  I’ve never done an all-inclusive beach stay so I’d love to hear more.  Judging by her photos, she had a great time.  I’m not really a beach/sun/hot person but if I have shade and a drink in my hand, I could get behind that.

Not other plans on the agenda for today.  I’m feeling nervous again with my food/alcohol already this week.  It is just crazy how quickly I can shift from “I’ll eat at home” to “let’s go out (or order pizza in).”  Nothing really going on the rest of this week so I must sit down, meal plan, and grocery shop so I can make this week a good week.  It’s the last WI of June next week.

Kenyon and I met up with Phoenix last night at Mesa Tacos + Tequila in Nampa for Taco Tuesday.  They had a huge wait at 7pm so we stopped into PreFunk across the street for a pre-appetizer beer.  I went for a half pour since I had not planned anything more than one margarita.  

Our table was finally ready so we headed back to Mesa.  It is a new restaurant in town and very popular.  I would go back for a drink and the chip and trio dip (queso, salsa, and guacamole) but I didn’t love the tacos.  I’m a snob when it come to tortillas.  The margarita was good and they also serve tequila flights.  So, for atmosphere alone, I’d be back.  

We finished our night at Craft Lounge, also a new place in Nampa.  I loved their spin on an Old Fashioned which included pecan bitters.  It was delicious and next time I’ll order it with an ice cube.  The bourbon whiskey was so smooth.  We plan to go back during happy hour for half priced drinks so we can try more of the expensive menu.  I didn’t love the atmosphere as much as Gas Lantern in Boise but we will be back for sure.

I am loving this phase of life and enjoying the most out of my the summer before I turn 40.  I really do think life just keeps getting better and better with age.


Activity Check-In: June Apple Watch Activity Challenge

Good Morning.  I’ve got my days all confused but I think it is Tuesday.

I’ll tell ya, I’m feeling like the June Apple Watch Activity Challenge is my full time job these days.  Trying to squeeze in miles/steps everywhere I can is exhausting.


When I think I’m caught up or even ahead, I’m in desperate need of a rest day, which then puts be behind again.  Or if I’m feeling good about my progress and check in, I can fell deflated with how many miles are left with not many days in the month.  But, I’m going to keep trying.


The month of June has been the most I’ve exercised since it is critical to get in a workout in order to meet my goals.  I’m really happy with my progress and walked a full 5K last week.


My body might have been a teeny bit angry at me in the days that followed but my mileage for the day was awesome.  I’m also trying to get more creative and keep in mind that any mileage is good, they don’t have to be brisk or sweaty.

Friday, I hopped on the treadmill while Kenyon was getting ready to go out to dinner so I didn’t have to do it afterwards.  Yesterday, I didn’t have time to go for a walk while waiting at the dealership so I ventured downtown, parked by Flying M, and walked to Trader Joe’s.  I was also able to get in a 1 mile walk before I left for a 1pm appointment and then walked another half-mile when I got home later in the day.  I figured if I was watching TV, I might as well watch it from the treadmill.  I was tired though so I allowed myself to call it quits after half a mile.

Getting on the treadmill at work over the weekend was a no-go due to high radio traffic.  We are getting busy as the temperature warms up.  I’m hopeful I can get in a treadmill walk today while I am working so I don’t have to stress it later.  Dinner plans are still up in the air so I’d rather get it out of the way if possible.

I’m on a roll with my movement streak and I’m on track for a perfect month award too.  I’m excited to eventually see my 100-day streak.


Weekly WI: A Loss

Good Morning.

I’m typing from the car dealership while I wait for my oil change and tire rotation.  I have just been to a WW workshop and I’m eating lunch since it is a go-go-go type of day.

I’m having a partial Friday today as my coworker needed a switch so I’m off today and workin tomorrow.  Than, I’m off Wednesday and Thursday.  So, I searched for WW workshops today as I wanted to get my WI done.  I was happy to see one a WW coach I really love had a meeting today.  It was a big group and great sharing.

After a rough few weeks with lots of alcohol (and food) and this week especially where I swear I ate out at least one meal every single day, I had a loss!  

I am sort of surprised and 100% so relieved.  

Sunday I was feeling so bloated and worried that I almost skipped the scale today and just attended the workshop.  I wasn’t sure if seeing a gain for a third week in a row would make me reel it in or stress me out more.  I woke up this morning feeling better and after seeing the loss, I am more motivated to stay on track this week.  I have less social events planned so I MUST eat at home more this week.  I am not sure why I have been so lazy with wanting to cook at home.  I think was saved me last week was pre-planning my non-social meals and keeping the points low. This allowed me to have a large amount of points for my splurges.  Also, I was only eating three meals and one snack a day.  Plus, I’ve been getting in a lot of activity with my June Apple Watch Activity Challenge.

The meeting topic was all-or-nothing attitude.  I can swing that way sometimes and I hate that feeling of “not fair” or “wish I could” when I’m working hard at weight loss.  I’ll never have this journey mastered but I’m going to continue to be open minded and flexible when I can.


Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day


I’m looking forward to celebrating Father’s Day with my family after work.  I always enjoy time with family.

There are so many people that have lost their father.  My heart goes out to you.  I have been lucky enough to have my father and my grandfather both in my life and still with us.  I also have a lovely father-in-law.


My Dad is a quiet man, unless politics are involved.  He worked hard to provide for us and commuted most days in busy rush hour traffic.  He is enjoying retirement, which is well deserved.  And I swear he has not change in years…maybe just a little grayer.

Tiny Lindsay is next to Dad's elbow

Grandpa is 89.  He is the only grandpa I’ve ever known.  My maternal grandpa and both great-grandpas all passed before I was born.  He is also a quiet man.  And he doesn’t like to smile in photos, which is typical for the other men in his family line.  We love this man to pieces.

This is my sister Katie in a four-generation photo

I hope all your Dads have a great day.  Put your feet up, enjoy a beverage of choice, and take a load off.


What Do You LOVE About Your Body?

What is your favorite asset and/or what do you love most about your body? 

Aside from my sparkling personality, my favorite part of my body has always been my legs.

My legs are strong. 

They have walked me though many miles, two half marathons, several 10Ks, and many 5K races. 

They have walked many miles while on vacation exploring new places.

I bought some form fitting nylon workout capris a few months ago at Walmart.  While I haven’t had the guts to wear them out of the house, I have been wearing them at home when I exercise.  Recently, I started wearing them outside for my walks.  Hey, who do I care seems me shaking my buns in tight capris.


I like how I think the capris make me look.  I have had my husband take a full photo of me in them and I’m not sure I really look that good.  But, I feel like I look good and I like where they hit on my claves.  So, I pretend I look good and work really hard to exude confidence.

Now, I’ve not worn them to the gym just yet.  That will be the next step of confidence.

I also bought some Bermuda style shorts from Lane Bryant.  SHOUT OUT to a smaller size!  These shorts were the say type as my previous jeans, which were a size 20.  The shorts are a size 16.  WhoooHooo!  Now, my biggest concern with showing so much leg is how white my legs are.  I don’t care, I’m rocking them with confidence.


Although I should have posted the photo when I had my new cute Birkenstocks on.  I’ll have to do that another time.

Confidence and body positivity can be really hard but it is super important.  If you tend to pick apart your body, spend some time thinking about what you love and why. 

Then, celebrate it.


Social Event #2

Hello.  I’m about to head out to pick up Phoenix and Stacey to see The Loud Strums play.  They are a family Celtic Band and one of the members used to work with my Mom.  My parents will be meeting us there.  We enjoy being their “fan club”.

I didn’t quite stay on track as planned with yesterday’s social outing.  Today I have pre-tracked and am determined to earn my blue dot today.  That means just one beer!  I’m putting that out here for accountability.  And, by golly, I’m going to stick to it!

I got out for a walk this morning before the heat settled in.  Our temps rose quickly but I need a break from the treadmill.  I was hoping to cover some major miles and at least walked a 5K.  It’s been a while since I’ve walked that far at one time.

I’ve made sure my day included a lot of 0 SPV foods in preparation for my social outing tonight and I’ve pre-tracked after looking at the menu.  I’ve having a club sandwich, which I always eat without all the extra bread.  For the side item, it is $1.50 for a salad so instead I’ll get the included potato salad.  I’ve pre-tracked 6 points for the 1/2 cup serving and then I’ll see how much is there and how much I want to eat.  I have enough left for one beer and I’ll still earn my blue dot.

Happy Thursday.


I'm Considering Maintenance For A Few Months

I’ve been reflecting by looking back on my weight tracker to help me gain some positive perspective during a time when I am feeling down, and I don’t mean down as in the scale moving down.

The most surprising thing that has jumped out at me is how I tend to skip the scale more from May – July than any other months of the year.  This give me hope in that maybe I experience this low feeling each year and just didn’t notice?  It could be due to working weekends in the summertime and feeling like I’m missing out.  Maybe also due to more social outings and beer since Phoenix has summers off from working at a school.  I don’t really know.  But, apparently it is sort of natural.

In July of 2015, I left my police dispatch job at Idaho State Police to pursue a dispatch job with Nampa Police.  I remember I was struggling with my weight at that time, mostly with the mental part of being over goal and being in the 200s again.  Boy if I could go back to 205 pounds now, I'd be happy!

In January of 2016, I called it quits at Nampa after gaining the approval to come back to Idaho State Police.  I couldn’t do the stress anymore and that stress was taking a major toll on my life and my weight.  I drank a lot, I cried a lot, I felt so helpless at times and yet also so stupid at the same time.  I was at a loss for why I was on this path in life and was desperate to find a detour.  I also gained a lot of weight in those six month.

And, it didn’t stop there.  The scale continued to climb until July of 2016 when I finally re-claimed my heath, mental wellbeing, and made some much needed changes.  Those changes were not easy and I had to start small.  But slowly, things started to turn around and I started to feel better.

The good news is I am down in pounds as far as the scale number reads each year since July 2016.  And, as long as I continue to stay the course, this mental slump shall pass.

I’ve been thinking a lot about our WW workshop a few weeks ago where Coach Cindie reminded us it was okay to go into maintenance at any time during our weight loss journey.  The key, she said, is to set an end date.  I have never gone into maintenance during the summer months, but looking back at the end of May and the beginning of September for several years, I am within a few pounds of where I was previously.  Sometimes more and sometimes less.  Overall, that is sort of maintenance.  While I don’t do it consciously, I have been surviving the summer months and seem to kick it back into gear by September.

This provides me with some mental relief.  But, I also know that if I don’t stay on top of my tracking and food, I can very easily gain 10 pounds.  If I do try more for maintenance for the rest of this summer, I need to set some boundaries with myself. 

I’m going to continue to think and reflect on maintenance, what it means to me, and how I’d like to proceed.  I’ll keep you posted.


Weekly WI: NOT In The 220s

It’s late in the day but I wanted to check in since today was WI Day.

It could have been waaaaaaaay worse so I’ll take the 0.8 gain.  It almost feels like a maintain.  And the best part is that I’m still under 220.  I really don’t want to dip back into the 220s again.  Plus, looking back at my weight record for years previously, I’m still down and down is always good!

It helped my mood BIG TIME to see the small gain so I knew it was going to be a good day.

I met Phoenix and her kids for lunch at Burnt Lemon Grill.  We’ve been trying different restaurants each week.  I had thought about a hamburger and pre-tracked it all.  But, the more I thought about it, the more I didn’t want to feel yucky so I changed to a grilled chicken sandwich instead.  They had a really yummy looking Malibu chicken sandwich that had pineapple and ham.  It was good.  I even pre-tracked for a few tater tots.  The best part is I didn’t feel all yucky after like high point foods tend to do.  For dessert, I had a WW Lemon Cookie snack bar that I bought at my studio after my workshop.  

It was really good and I enjoyed it.  This will make a yummy dessert for the week and should keep my sweet tooth at bay.

I ran a few errands and made sure to get in extra steps/mileage.  When I got home, I changed into workout clothes and set out on a walk using two different Aaptiv workouts.  

I am over my mileage goal for the day and I hope this helps off-set my overall goal.  I really needed a rest day so I took one yesterday and didn’t log many steps/miles.

I’ve had a 0 SPV snack and have pre-tracked my dinner so I’ll have 2 rollover points today.  It is a super social week with food and alcohol so I’m working really hard to maximize my 0 SPV foods.  I follow @ww.maintaining.mayhem on Instagram and watched her Insta-Story last night.  She was talking about her -130 point week and how she was accepting that she would have a gain this week.  However, she is rolling into a busy week with some planned meals out.  After a gain, it is always nice to be back in your usual routine.  Sometimes, that isn’t the case.  So, just like her, I’m going to stay the course this week and TRACK IT ALL!  

Hopefully I won’t go into the negative on my points.