
The 2025 Colonel Challenge Comes To An End

I wanted to share the stats the amazing stats from our 2025 Colonel’s PT Challenge.  Each year I debate if I should join the challenge and WOW…look at these results.


Over the course of the 10-week challenge the group:

·       Completed 6189.43 aerobic and high intensity training hours

·       Ran 11,256.43 miles

·       Biked 8958.3 miles

·       Swam 82.02 miles

·       Lifted 62,439,808 pounds

·       Completed 606,712 repetitions of sit-ups and pushups


To put some of this in perspective, we could have run from LA to New York 4.5 times with the amount of run miles you logged. We could have taken a nice bike ride from Boise to Anchorage, AK 3.3 times. With all the swim miles you could have made it to the bottom of the Mariana trench (the deepest in the ocean) 11.7 times. We moved the weight of 2,401 school buses. We completed enough aerobic and high intensity training hours to cover 257 days. Plus 606,712 repetitions of anything is just a lot!


When you get a different perspective, you can see how all activity adds up, even the small amounts.


Weekly WI: Back Up The Hill

I had several social engagements between Thursday and Saturday which contributed to my 1.2 pound gain this week.  I also weighed in early in anticipation of a social engagement on Monday. 


This week my focus is my word of the year: Consistency.


I will focus on consistent tracking, activity, and sleep.  These are three areas that need my attention and doing so will help me see the results I crave by the end of the month.  I have one more weigh-in to try and meet my goal of losing 2 pounds a month.


On Thursday, I met Kelsey and Kevin for The Office trivia at The Warehouse.  While I’ve never watched a single episode of The Office, I enjoy social settings and wanted to participate.  It was a backed out at The Warehouse in Boise and we had a lot of fun, even if our team didn’t win.


On Friday, we enjoyed a delicious pulled pork dinner at the Nampa Elks Lodge Elk of the Year Pork Feed.  Oh man it was yummy and included beer!  The entertainer, a local singer named Sam Henry also made the night extra enjoyable.


On Saturday, I started my morning with the Elks Regional Hoop Shoot as a score keeper.  It was a fierce competition and those little ones that didn’t make it to the next round shed some tears.  It is so heartbreaking.


By afternoon, I met my family for a bite to eat at Cooks Two Hole Bar in Melba.  My niece Hailey and her boyfriend wanted to get the family together and we rallied.  We were only missing my sister Jenny, and her husband Will.


By evening, we met up with Phoenix and Stacey for some St. Patrick’s Day fun in Ontario.  We started at Mackey’s Public House for a BIG Irish Death beer and split a shepherd’s pie.  OMG the pie was good.


From there we visited the Ontario Elks Lodge and the Weiser Elks Lodge.  Wow!  What hospitality.  We had so much fun…and drank a lot!  If I lived closer to the Weiser lodge I’d party with them more often.


As you can see…a busy and festive weekend with lots of indulges.  This is why I need to renew my focus on my word of the year and hunker down for a bit.  My social drinking as increased since my parents joined the Elks lodge last month. 


Weekly WI: Down The Hill

 Good Morning and Happy Thursday!  

I have a full agenda to get through so let’s get to it!

I had a nice loss this week which equated to one pound loss + last week’s gain.  Oh man that felt good!  I was actually sick the first half of the week after catching Kenyon’s cold virus.  The last half of the week we went out of town and I worried my indulges would equal a gain.  So, a loss makes me feel really good and energized to jump back in and tackle my goals before our next vacation.

We have only a few days to go for the Colonel’s PT Challenge and are about to wrap it up for another year.

I’m back to the gym after a week off to rest and mend from my sickness.  I don’t get sick often but this one took me down for a few days.  It is good to be back.

After losing my 100+ tracking streak, I’m back to it with 15 days!  I have several social events to look forward to over the next few days so consistent tracking and planning is important!