There comes a time along your weight loss journey when you start to not hate how you look in a picture. As you lose (or gain) weight, a photo can tell you a lot. Of course, there are good angles and bad angles much like a mirror. There are even times that you don’t recognize yourself in a photo.
Photos can be so important to a weight loss journey. If you are afraid to step in front of the camera, don’t be. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you see.
A FB Memory came up a few days ago.
I remember this day. I had met a friend at the movies and the Minions display was right inside the door. After taking the photo, I looked at it and though, hmmm…I don’t look so bad after all. I have forgotten now if it was taken five years ago or six years ago. But what I do remember is that I was over my WW goal weight of 175 pounds and struggling mentally.
There was a time when I continued to climb back up the scale that I was so mean to myself when I would see a photo. The pride I once had in my appearance at my lowest WW weight was deep inside me. I needed to turn things around and feel some sort of success inside so I could start to feel that success on the outside. Eventually, I started to even see that success on the outside again. I stopped allowing myself to talk negatively about a photo or to myself in the mirror.
I am thankful to be on the WW journey. It is during the struggles that I learn the most about myself. Never ever think about giving up. Always talk nice to yourself. And please, take good care of your body.