
I Found The Sweet Spot

I started my first week on graveyard shift this week at work and also got some new days off.  I will miss my weekends off but it is a nice change of pace having weekdays off from time to time.

Tuesday I ended up not getting in any activity or walking any miles during the day so I had planned to just go to the Y later that evening.  It is open until 10pm and since I wasn’t taking a class I wasn’t restricted to what time I actually went.

I think I found the solution to being less of a workout snob!

I love going to the Y late at night.  It is less crowded and I didn’t have to fight with anybody else to use the exercise ball.  SWEET!  I do miss seeing some of the usual faces I have come to know as I have been working out more regularly during the 10 Week Fitness Challenge.  Perhaps I’ll start to see the same new faces as I am now working out at a different time.

One benefit I feel when working night shift/graveyard is that I can get my activity done before work.  I really prefer that over trying to muster up the energy  to exercise after a 10 hour shift.  However, on my days off while I can workout first thing when I wake up I don’t feel rushed to do so.  I can just head to the Y later in the evening.  It also helps to break up my night so that I am not just watching TV or being bored all night.

I think I’ll keep this up even after the challenge is complete.  I do want to get back into some classes at the Y so I will need to be there earlier in the day for that.  However, I can still use the treadmills or the elliptical late at night.

Here I thought the 5am exercise crew was “hard core” since they are up early and getting their day started with a good sweat.  Now I think it might be the late night exercise crew who makes activity a priority, even if it means the last thing on the agenda for the day!

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