
Un-Eventful Saturday

Good Morning/Afternoon.

My Saturday has not been super eventful but I feel like I’ve been running around since I woke up!

Kenyon and I went to LePeep for breakfast.  We had planned to walk the four mile roundtrip route but the rain deterred us.  Well, that and hunger.  After a yummy breakfast we headed to the Farmer’s Market downtown.  The rain held off while we made a quick loop through the venders and got some peaches, which is what I headed there for.  When Dawny was in town last week we got the best peaches and I’ve been thinking about them all week.

I am working a half day today to help out a supervisor that needed the afternoon off.  Today is my last day of work and then I have 10 days off!  Kenyon and I are headed to New Mexico to see the in-laws.

I hope your Saturday is treating you well.

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