I really went hard and walked a 5K on the treadmill to finally earn my award. Hallelujah!
Sharing my weight maintenance experiences, my travel explorations, and life in general.
I Did It!!! January Apple Watch Challenge Completed
I got home from work yesterday and despite feeling the drag of getting on the treadmill, I knew I needed to work really hard to complete my challenge. This way, I didn’t have to stress about getting it done today. I’ve got fun social plans after work.
Wednesday Check-In
Good Morning!
I had to be to work at 6am, which already has me
wishing it was my 10am shift instead. It
is too early to be awake.
I had another good FB memory pop up today. I swear that is my favorite part of the day
when I get to look at my FB memories.
I went back to confirm with my weight record and this
time last year, I was celebrating my 11th WW Anniversary having lost/kept off/lost again 79 pounds. This year, my 12th WW Anniversary
has me down 93 pounds. This is a
reminder to me that giving up is never the answer. Yes, I have had my share of depressed days
while dealing with weight gain. And,
losing weight feels so much more exciting and encouraging than gaining weight
does. I value that I hit “rock bottom”
and was able to turn things back around.
I feel so much more confident than I have since 2016.
Now, with that being said, my eating this weekend was
off the charts! I have no idea why but I
struggled all weekend with feeling satisfied.
Part of the reason could be that “heathy foods” just didn’t sound
good. I often eat out on days off and
eat a little more freely than my work week.
I need to work on a better balance and I’m hoping that
the rest of this week will make up for my points indulgence. I’ve got a few more days until WI, a few more
miles to log, and a fun social outing tomorrow evening.
Week Four Of Apple Watch Challenge
I’m determined to finish my January Apple Watch Challenge of logging a total of 103.3 miles this month. This last push is making my calves burn, but I’m so close that I want to succeed.
Week Four I logged 27.64 miles
I’m working hard to get it done. And I’m hoping February’s Challenge doesn’t involve mileage.
Four Day Weekend And A Movie Marathon
My four-day weekend is coming to a close. Well I’m not quite ready to go back to work, several days off in a row came at a really good time. I feel rested and rejuvenated which is what I was really needing.
I’m going to make the drive over to Jerome this afternoon for an After Incident Review on a pursuit that I dispatched last week at work. I figure since I have the day off and an opportunity to meet with my troopers face-to-face, I’m going to take it. That’s the downside to my type of job is that we work with troopers all over the state and we don’t always get to see them and network.
Friday after my weight watcher meeting, I’m at my mom for lunch at Olive Garden. We took a little bit of a walk around and popped into a few shops in the area. I had a haircut appointment and an oil change appointment so I was able to get out and take a walk while my car was being worked on. Danielle came over that evening and we watched BlacKKKlansman, which I rented through Redbox. We’re working our way through the last of the Oscar nominated movies.
I thought the movie was really well done but my favorite is still Green Book. We had more movies on the agenda for Saturday. I met Kelsey, Julie, and Danielle to see A Star Is Born. This is my second time seeing it because I did enjoy the movie, although very sad. Later that evening, I met up with Kelsey again as well as Rebecca and we saw The Favourite. Okay that was a very weird movie. The sad part is I could see it taking that award for Best Picture because that’s just kind of how The Academy rolls. But will know here in a few weeks.
Sunday was low-key and while I really wanted to sit on the couch all day, I am feeling the rush to get my miles in for my January Apple Watch Activity Challenge. So I convinced Kenyon to go for a walk. We also had a bite to eat as a second breakfast at a nearby restaurant we’ve been wanting to try. I’m really glad Kenyon went for a walk with me because it was much more enjoyable. And we covered 2.5 miles.
I finished my day by watching Roma on Netflix. This is another one of the nominated films and it is very slow. I am glad I stuck it out because it was definitely an interesting movie. It could be a contender. Even though I still don’t think it’s much of a story.
And that brings me to today. I logged just a little over 2 miles on the treadmill since I know I’m going to be sitting for most of the day. Kenyon mentioned that he’d like to do some activity this evening so maybe I’ll get another 30 minutes or so on the treadmill. The difficult part about pushing myself so hard here at the end is that I know I’m going to start to feel it in my body. But I’m determined to get this award so I have to keep going.
Have a great day.
Weekly WI: Starting January Off On The Right Foot
My WI today had me down 0.6 pounds and that brings my monthly total to -4 pounds. 2019 is off to a great start.
I was looking back at my weight record after a two-year FB memory popped up. I’m down 29.6 pounds from January 2017. Down is always good!
I joined the Colonel’s Challenge at work since I’m already logging miles in January for my Apple Watch Challenge. We have until March 9th to work on several choice activities and also lose at least 5% body weight. My weight at the start of the year (holiday gain) was 218.4 which means I need to lose 11 pounds. I don’t need extra stress so if I make it great, if not, oh well. But, so far I’m down 6.4 pounds. I’m not very good at pulling big numbers each week so we will just see what my weight is on March 9th.
Onto a new week we go!
12 Year WW Anniversary And A Trip Down Memory Lane
I have not
had the time to sit down and write up all my thoughts on what celebrating my 12
Year WW Anniversary feels like. Today, I
have that time. Let’s see if I can sum
it all up with some cliff notes.
It has been
quite the journey. The End.
But, you
see, it isn’t the end. My journey is
nowhere close to being done and it has been quite the journey. As with every journey, there is bound to be
speed bumps and detours along the way.
Sometimes we might have to look really hard to find where the next path
is or continue to have faith that we are on the right path and eventually it
will lead us to where we want to be.
I spent some
time a few weeks ago looking over 12 years of WW memories. I still have all my weight journals…which is
a lot when you think of 12 years worth.
I also have
the bookmark my very first WW leader Lynn gave us when she retired from our
Nampa evening meeting. I reached out to
her when I met goal and even saw her at a future meeting years later. The words on the back of the bookmark still
ring true.
A FB memory
came up today of my thoughts on my two year WW Anniversary. In 2009, I documented that I had lost 122
pounds and we getting closer to goal. In
2019, I have lost 92 pounds and I am getting closer to getting back under 200
pounds. What is crazy is that I am just
30 pounds heavier than I was 10 years ago.
That feels amazing.
I have saved
my old bookmarks with my 5 pound stars and my LT monthly stars. Since the reimagined WW program doesn’t do
stickers anymore, I’ll cherish these memories forever.
I can’t wait
until I can once again weigh-in each month at my goal weight (whatever my goal
weight ends up being) and start earning my yearly Lifetime charm again. Oh boy…those happy memories of what that used
to feel like is going to feel twice as good when I get there.
Don’t give
up. Keep going. Keep pushing through the hurdles in your way
and find a different path. Maybe even
follow that detour that makes you nervous because you just never know where it
might lead.
Wednesday Hump Day
Morning and Happy Hump Day
I met my cousin Kallie for a morning coffee date
(hi Kallie) and feel I could use even more coffee. Need vs. Want. I’ll settle for a Coke Zero since my
coworkers are making a run to Chick fil A and I have my food packed and tracked
for today.
I’ve been working hard on earning my blue dots
this week. I keep debating if I should
change my WI day to Saturday in my WW app. This would mean that my points start over on
Saturday, which is the day I plan to WI for the next couple of months unless I
can get to a Friday meeting. Right now,
my week re-sets on Monday and I suppose as long as I am losing, why mess with it? We shall see what my Friday WI results
are. I’m feeling good and confident…and
a little nervous. I mean you all know me
and you know I can stress about anything even if it isn’t necessary.
I am looking forward to my days off. I also signed up for less OT next month. The extra money is always nice but with all
the sick call outs this month, I’m over taxed and I need a break. Keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed I can
have all four of my days off without a call-in this weekend.
Okay, enough rambling. Have a great day.
Week Three Of Apple Watch Challenge
Good Morning.
I’m back on track with activity and while yesterday
felt painful, today went better. I’m
working on my January Apple Watch Challenge and really trying to get my mileage
back up. I have Friday – Monday off
(fingers crossed) so I know I can log extra activity those days. And, right now as long as I can reach a daily
mileage of close to 4 miles, we should be on track to completing 103.3 miles
and earning my award.
Week Three was my sick week and I logged 13.79
Onto the next week…
Weekly WI: 12 Year WW Anniversary
My WI last week was a good one, thankfully since I was
hopped up on cold medicine all week. I
lost 3.2 pounds and am my lowest I’ve been in a few years. The most exciting part is that I am 7.8
pounds from reclaiming my 100 pounds. I
am stoked and this makes me strive to stay focused.
Since today is a holiday at work, it is also JEANS
DAY! I love when I get to wear jeans to work because it is so comfy and I tend
to get up and out of my chair more too.
But, lately, I’ve been feeling so good in my clothes (and feeling good
in general) that I know I’m rocking my jeans today.
We talked in our meeting about your WHY and the reason
for not only joining WW but also the reason to continue on this journey. My WHY has always been to ensure the airplane
seatbelt fits. My continued WHY is to
get back under 200 pounds and to continue to feel good in my clothes. And, finally, I’m hanging onto this mantra as
my continued WHY.
I celebrated 12 years with WW on the 22nd. Moving forward I don’t want to lose sight of
all the times I’ve struggled but continued to push through and succeed. Success looks differently for each
person. I spent all last year working on
being more present and appreciating there here and now more than dwelling on
the past. I’m going to continue that in
2019 as I keep myself focused on moving forward.
Sunday Catch Up
Good Morning...er Afternoon
I’m playing some serious catch up after last week of sickness and training at work. I have so much to fill you in on and as soon as my computer is charged and I have a spare minute today, I’ll get some catch up blogs written.
Lots of excitement in the last few days with my 12 Year WW Anniversary and a great loss at the scale. Also, working to get back into fitness after a week off for sick recovery.
I met Phoenix this morning for a teadmill chat and logged 2 miles. I’ve got errands to run which will also help me get in some mileage. I know I’m behind on my monthly challange but I’ll run the numbers and see if I can still squeeze out a win.
I went tubing with a group of friends yesterday for Kelsey’s birthday and had a great time. It was rainy and windy in the morning but we had perfect conditions during our outing. And, the sun even came out.
Other than that, it’s been a lazy and restful weekend. I slept a lot yesterday and woke up late this morning. I needed it. It’s back to work tomorrow.
Plugging Along
This cold has really taken a toll on me. I was feeling really good before it hit so I’m not sure why it has taken over with such force. I keep thinking each day I’m on the downhill side but today feels worse than all the days combined. Hanging in there.
My activity is really low and I’m trying not to stress my January Activity Challenge.
I cleaned house yesterday for some visitors after work and that told me I’m not 100% as far as trying to exercise. So, I’ll continue to listen to my body and rest. Since I’m training at work I am getting in movement so that is a plus. And, training is going well so that’s a relief.
My appetite is pretty non existent and until my stomach growls, I don’t realize it’s been a while since I’ve eaten. I haven’t reset my WI to Saturday so my points reset on Tuesday. I have plans on Saturday which I’ll be using some WSPA so I’ll just continue to roll with that and also not stress it.
I’m hoping to do my WI on Friday morning and am not sure how cold medicine will affect the scale. So, I’ll keep and open mind knowing I’ll be back at it with full force once I’m on the mend.
I hope your Thursday looks better than mine.
10 Years Ago
Where are all my Bachelor(ette) fans? Are you watching Colton's season? Against my better judgement, I have started this season and after Episode 2, I'm in awe of the "young" women and an overall fierce group of women. Now, this is reality TV and always dubbed the most dramatic season each season. So, you have to take it for what it is worth...entertainment.
There is one particular little lady named Demi which stands out to me. She is 23 and while I don't want to classify somebody "younger" as being negative, I find I am shaking my head and saying out loud, oh Demi, Demi,Demi (sigh) you have so much yet to learn in life. I suppose I have officially entered the old category since Demi refers to the 31 year olds as a cougar and I am 39. What animal is older than a cougar?
It is no surprise that with age comes wisdom, but don't you dare try to invoke wisdom on somebody who isn't ready to hear it. And lets face it, I was once youthful (and actually I am still young) and I didn't like to be told what to do. Part of growing up is the culmination of your experiences all of which shape you. The good and the bad are all part of the book of life and you are the author. You are also in control of your life but that can be hard to see when you lack experience or knowledge.
The new excitement on Facebook is the 10 Year Age Challenge. Have you seen this? People are posting a photo of themselves from ten years ago and a current photo. I haven't really posted anything but I was thinking back to 10 years ago and especially the last 10 years of my 12 year WW journey almost fearful to share photos of super skinny Lindsay who isn't super skinny anymore.
Much to my surprise, I looked back in one of my photo apps and found the oldest photo was from our honeymoon along the Oregon Coast and Seattle.
Okay the first thought was, Kenyon looks really young. My second thought was, I look normal. I know from looking at this photo that I wasn't at my goal weight but I also wasn't at my starting weight. Of course I have all my WW records from the last 12 years saved so I dug them out and looked up my weight in June/July of 2008. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was hovering around the 200 mark and it was a little later in 2008 that I officially dropped below 200.
Guys...that is so close to where I am now and that is an amazing feeling. Also, I don't feel as though I look like I've aged that much from this photo. Well, maybe except for the gray hair now.
I'm not afraid of aging and there is even more wisdom to be learned. I've grown so much over the last 10 years. I've had to take a very hard and very raw look at myself and make both physical and personal changes. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable is when we grow the most. Over the last 10 years, I've changed houses, a few automobiles, and even police agencies a couple of times (that is a blog post topic I want to tackle).
I have no idea if Demi is Colton's true love and if he will propose to her in the end. But, I'll be watching each week to see how it all unfolds.
New Recipe: Turkey Tater Tot Casserole
I tried a new spin on an old recipe.

Have you ever tried Tater Tot Casserole? We had it a lot growing up and I’ve always love it. The traditional recipe is browned ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, and topped with tater tots. Pretty easy. I put my spin on it with ground 99% turkey breast, mixed frozen veggies, cream of mushroom, and of course, topped with tater tots.
I found a generic cream of muchroom at Albertsons that was 4 points for the entire can vs. Campbell’s Soup, which is 6 points. That helped keep the points down so I could have a full serving of tater tots. I scanned a bunch of packages and looked for one that gave me the most tots per serving. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to count correctly and the final count was 12 tots so I added one extra point.
My 8x8 casserole was split into 4 servings which is 7 points per serving.
It’s really easy to make. Just brown your turkey and add the can of cream of mushroom, but don’t add any water like the can suggests for making soup. I pre-cooked the frozen veggies in the microwave and mixed those in. Transfer to casserole dish and top with tater tots.
Cook at 375 for 30-40 minutes. You want the tots browned and the meat mixture bubbly.
Quick Check In
I've been trying to lay low the last few days in hopes of kicking a cold I've come down with. Ugh. Despite having to cover for sick coworkers that last few weeks, I'm on overtime today and I'm back to training. So, my hands feel a bit tied on taking my turn to stay home and rest. I hope after today I'm turning a corner and will be on the downhill slope.
We had a nice date nite on Saturday with dinner at Old Chicago and a movie. I've got 8 of 10 items completed towards my I Love Beer Mini Challenge. The plan is to finish it off this evening so I hope I'm up for it.
I am not sure what I'll do about my January Activity Challenge. I need rest and so I'm leaning towards keeping it easy. But, I also know I'll have a lot of make up if I scale back on exercise. I think I'll play it by ear and see how I feel. Again, I hope I'm turning a corner.
We saw Bohemian Rhaposdy at the cheap theater. I've been trying to see as many Oscar nominated films as possible (nominations come out on the 22nd). I thought it could easily take Best Actor but not Best Picture. Yesterday, I met Danielle and Kelsey to see Green Book. We really enjoyed that movie I could see it taking Best Picture.
Since I'm back to training at work, I'm going to do my best to keep up with blogposts. Training is quite exhausting itself but so worth while when your trainee is exceeding.
Have a great Monday.
Week Two Of January Activity Challange
Another week has come and gone and I'm getting closer to finishing my January Activity Challenge set by my Apple Watch.
Week Two I logged 25.75 miles.
So, this brings my total mileage over the last 12 days to: 43.23 miles.
I'm feeling good about where I'm at. I've only taken one “day off” from trying to get in my activity/miles due to a 12-hour shift at work and a quick turn around. I was still feeling a bit guilty though. Good news is I've been able to keep the average of 3.3 miles per day going, which will allow me to reach my goal of walking 103.3 miles this month.
My Apple Watch is logging all my movement mileage but in order to reach 3.3 miles a day, I have to get in formal activity, especially on workdays. I've been able to do a few walks outdoors due to our mild winter temps. I am trying to increase my mileage by increasing the time, even if it it is just five more minutes. It is pretty tough.
But, I feel so good when I'm done. Even more so when I've logged extra mileage.
Onto Week Three.
Weekly WI: Adios Holiday Gain
I'm sorry for my absence yesterday. It was another busy day at work but at the end of it was my weekend. Yippie.
I attended the Saturday AM WW workshop at the Meridian Studio. I really liked the group and the leader so I'll be back for sure. It is nice to feel like I have a WW home for the next few months. It also feels good to have some mojo back.
My week of tracking and exercising paid off. My holiday weight gain is all gone and I lost even 0.2 pounds more than that. My total lost this week was 2.6 pounds. I'm also in the 215s. I'm super stoked.
It appears today is National Recommitment Day. I didn't even know this was a thing but I could see how it would be difficult to sick with your commitment after a few weeks.
The truth is change is hard. And, it can feel overhwelming most of the time. We talked in our workshop out small behavioral changes that we can work on to help us achieve our goals. The example the coach used was going from three scoops to ice cream each evening to a bowl of grapes. As a group, we came up with ideas on how to slowly work towards achieving that goal. So, maybe the first week you cut down to two scoops. Then the next week you eat ice cream four days and week and grapes three days a week. Change doesn't even have to occur weekly. Maybe you would like to eat ice cream for several weeks and slowly start to incorporate more days of grapes. Really, you have to do what works for you as that is how small changes can yield big results.
I hope you are all having a great Saturday.
Late Check-In: A Few Food Items
I’m checking in a bit late today but it has been a
crazy busy day at work. The sad part is I
still have 3 hours and 45 minutes to go.
It has been a long day and yesterday was long too.
The kick off to Old Chicago’s I Love Beer Challenge was
a success. Kenyon and I each ordered a
calzone, he ordered the roasted broccoli, and I had one 10 oz beer.
After the day I had yesterday, I was thinking I might
sway from my plan. But, the walk at the
mall before meeting for dinner helped.
And, since you can only complete four items towards the challenge at
each visit, it would have been a waste to order a second beer (and a fifth
item). We shared the pretzel bites
appetizer and went to FroYo for a bite of dessert. It is all tracked!
I have been craving pasta salad and when I was at
Winco last week, I found the cutest spiral pasta. I made up two servings of pasta salad to get
me through lunch today and tomorrow.
I don’t have much to report in on today. My life feels really boring these days: work,
exercise, prepare food, eat food, track food, and sleep.
I am super stocked for the kick off to the I Love
Beer Mini Tour at Old Chicago. Like
seriously excited.
I’m going to go early
so I can get a walk in and log some miles before I consume my calzone and
beer. I’ve also pre-tracked what I plan
to eat. I like the feeling of success
and being in control. Also, when I was
looking up the points for calzones, I spotted that Old Chicago is in the WW app. That was a nice surprise.
In other boring news, I’m excited my TV shows are
about to start up again from the Fall break.
I will have so much TV to watch I won’t know what to do with
myself. I often wish I had more
30-minute shows as it is so difficult to find time for hour long shows.
Well, that is about all I have right now. I’m just feeling a bit all over the place
after hearing about a friend who lost a very dear friend who sounded like an
amazing man and who was also a loving husband.
I can’t even imagine what that feels like to lose your spouse and it
sure puts into perspective all the mundane stuff in my life.
Sorry to end on a somber note.
Hug your loved ones.
Starting The Work Week
Good Morning
It’s the start of my work week and thankfully,
not as crazy as I heard yesterday was.
My days off were flexed due to extra staffing on Monday so I can work
Friday when we are short. There was a
huge snow storm that came through the Eastern end of our state causing all
sorts of issues with motorists. I was
happy for the day off and feeling sad for my coworkers. We’ve also had some sort of stomach bug come
through the dispatch center so it was a busy weekend looking for coverage and
overtime. Ugh.
Thinking about the many coworkers that were out
sick makes me extra thankful that I take good care of myself. Overall, I don’t really get sick that
often. And, I believe that putting good
foods into your body, exercising, and staying away from children (which tend to
be germ-y) helps too! Ha. Yes, I’m so glad I don’t have school age kids
that can bring home germs. Ewwwwww….
Being back at work forces me to get back on
track. I have no idea what was up with
me yesterday but I was snacky all day
long. I had a different breakfast
that I usually do so that could have been why.
And, I’ve been rocking the activity so that could be it too. But, I was able to combat it and earn my blue
Earning blue dots has not been my strong suit
this month. I’ve got up my game there
for sure. I start out on track/tracking
and then by lunch or dinner, I’ve gone into higher point foods and usually lose
my blue dot for the day. My tracking
also gets kind of loose because I’m craving a high point food that I want to
eat vs. stress over the points. So, I
eat it and enjoy the heck out of it.
But, I went overboard a couple of days and my stomach hurt.
We went to Red Robin on Saturday with Emma after
I took her to the YMCA to swim with Phoneix’s kids. Phoneix and I walked on the treadmill for a
little over two miles. I knew I should
have had a snack before the gym so both Emma and I were starving after. I ended up going overboard at Red Robin
because I let myself get too hungry. Oh
well, that is in the past and I’m moving forward.
My only eating out plans this week are Wednesday
night. The new mini challenge at Old
Chicago kicks of that evening. This go
round, you only have to complete 10 items and there are many more food choices
so I’ll have help from Kenyon. And, I
should be able to bust it out faster too.
I’m super stoked for the thermal I Love Beer shirt that I’ll earn. WhoooHoooo.
WI is this Saturday where I’ll start attending
that meeting or perhaps Friday morning.
I’m looking forward to getting back into the weekly routine of
Well I suppose I’ve rambled enough. Have a great day.
Week One Of January Activity Challange
I’ve finished my first partial week of my January Apple Watch Challange.

I logged 17.48 miles over the last five days, which is an average of 3.4 miles a day. I’m really glad it’s going well and I’m motivated to keep it up.
It’s not always easy but it is pushing me to work harder. On Saturday morning, I went outside for my walk and set out for Walmart to get a few lunch grocery items. I made it most of the way there and realized I had forgotten my wallet. Doh! But the purpose was to get in some miles and I walked a total of 2 miles.
I listened to one of the WW Aaptiv walking workouts and I really enjoyed Walking To The Beat.
It had about seven total surges of highly intensity bursts for a total of 15-45 seconds. I really reved up my heart rate.
It was a good way to get in my miles since I struggle to go very far/long when on the treadmill indoors. But, these workouts can be done indoors or outdoors. I still need to try one of the weight lifting/strength ones. That’s on the agenda this week.
I’m working the day shift 6am-4pm this week. I’ll look up the gym class schedule and see where I can squeeze in some activity. Maybe also get on the teadmill too. I’m torn between getting in my miles and variety of gym classes or a WATP DVD. I’ll see how this week shakes out.
Sunday Shenanigans
Emma spent the night last night and thankfully, it all went well.

We went out for an early dinner at Enrique’s is Kuna and rented a movie, Sgt. Stubby. We also got birthday cards for my Grandpa who turns 89 today. We are having a party this afternoon.
We are hoping to meet up with Phoenix and her kids for some exercise at the gym while the kids swim.
I hope you are having a great Saturday.
Saturday Check-In
Good Morning

I didn’t get a chance to check in yesterday due to a very busy day and a fun special work assignment.
I had the privilege of working the Command Post for the Governor Inauguration. It was really neat and thankfully uneventful from a law enforcement standpoint. I was honored to be a part of our 33rd Governor festivities.
I’ve got weekends off for the next three months. This is very exciting and yet I just want to stay home and veg. We have no plans on the agenda except for Grandpa’s 89th Birthday on Sunday.
I was planning to meet Phoenix at the gym but she didn’t have a babysitter so perhaps later today or tomorrow. It sure helps to have somebody to chat with while exercising. Last week I did a WW APTIV workout and really enjoyed it. I’ll do a different one today. I’m also still eager to try a weight lifting one.
Despite feeling exhausted with early mornings (hello 6am shift vs. 10am shift) I’ve been making good progress with my January Apple Watch Challange in walking 103.3 miles this month.
I’m reminding myself that every extra 5 minutes counts as does all the little movements throughout the day.
With that, the treadmill is calling.
Weekly WI: Facing The Scale After The Holidays
My Mom and I attended a WW workshop yesterday. Since the WW studios in my area were closed
Monday and Tuesday for both Christmas and New Years, it felt good to be back.
I was thinking I would skip the scale since I’d done
my home WI and knew I had gained. This
way, I would be able to work back down before my next WW workshop (which I
think I’ll start going to Saturday morning meetings). My Mom said she needed to go regardless and I
knew that I needed to face the scale too.
I was hoping for no more than 3 pound gain as that would mean I weigh 10
pound less this January than last January.
I ended up with a gain of 2.4 pounds.
Whew. I am super happy about that…but
not so happy about the gain in general.
I have a little over a week to get myself back down. I am officially 11 pounds lighter this year than last year.
It feels good to be back on track, although I’m
struggling a bit with meal planning.
An interesting FB Memory popped up today.
It was seven years ago that I got back into goal range
after struggling, according to the memory, for five months. I don’t have any weight records entered in
the WW app during that time. I found one
blog post from January 14, 2011: Sharing Blog Posts From My Weight Loss Journey: Four Years With Weight Watchers
which talked about my feelings during that time.
My weight record in the app shows that I was within
goal range until August of 2013. That is
when my back pain started thus the spiral that happened after. I found a blog post from August 15, 2013: August Weight In that appears to be the
last time I was in goal range. I also
earned my sixth key charm.
There is a lot
of positive and painful memories when you look back over things. But, that is also how I gain the most
My 12 year WW Anniversary is later this month. I’ll look over everything and put together a
blog post. As 2019 is now upon us, my
focus this year is to re-claim my 100 pound charm and get back under 200
I know I can do
it and I know I will do it!
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