
Weekly WI: Best Case Scenario/Worst Case Scenario

 Earlier in the week, I was really worried about my weight in.  After having many days off work, slipping into vacation mode early, lots of meals out, and an abundance of alcohol, I was starting to really dread getting on the scale come Tuesday.  I was thinking of a Best Case/Worst Case Scenario.

Best Case Scenario - I gain 2 pounds

Worse Case Scenario - I gain 5 pounds

As the week went on, and especially after celebrating Phoenix’s 40th Birthday on Saturday, my mind started to shift a lot more to the Worst Case Scenario.

Best Case Scenario - I gain 5 pounds

Worse Case Scenario - I gain 10 pounds

Despite feeling like my gain could be really bad this week, I suddenly realized that it was a NEW MONTH and that regardless of what the scale number said, it wasn’t going to affect my end of the month August totals.  

Suddenly, a weight (pun intended) was lifted off my shoulders.  I wasn’t dreading the scale as much.  Sure, I was going to reflect a gain but this now meant I had all month to work to get the excess gain off.  I knew I would step on the scale come Tuesday and my Worst/Best Case Scenario shifted to looking at the positives.

Best Case Scenario - As long as I don’t see 215, I’m less than 2019

Worse Case Scenario - If I gain more than 3.8 pounds, I will no longer be at 100+ pounds lost

The verdict?

I did have a doozie of a gain and I do have all month to get it back down.

Best Case Scenario: I am many pounds less than I was in 2019 and 2018

Best Case Scenario: It is a fresh new month with a clean slate to work hard and accomplish great progress

Best Case Scenario: A gain is temporary as long as I get back on track

Worst Case Scenario: I dropped out of the 100+ pound lost club

Worst Case Scenario: I an almost back up to what I was in March 2020 when the WW Studio Locations closed

I am feeling okay about the gain despite some of the Worst Case Scenario thoughts.  I am thinking one HUGE positive is that over these last 6 months, I have been able to keep working and also keep some sort of routine.  When I am left at my own free will with 12 days off, I can do some serious damage.  I know during these last couple of weeks, I have allowed myself to be less committed to my program because I was feeling like I needed a break.  With it now September first and a clear calendar of travel and social events (minus one thing coming later this week), I feel a peace and like I can breathe a sigh of relief and get re-focused again on myWW program.

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