

10 Week Fitness Challenge Complete!!!

100% of my goal to walk 120 miles is complete!!!

  Current Goal % Goal Completed

Total Miles 120 miles 120 miles 100%

Ten weeks ago we started a fitness challenge that our director encouraged everybody to participate in.  Week ten is now complete and I have walked 120 miles.  Yahhhhoooo!

When I started this fitness challenge so many weeks ago, I had recently been dealing with my back issues and the news that the issue is permanent.  I had already started walking as a form of activity so I figured setting a goal to walk 120 miles in 10 weeks would be a good starting place.  Little did I know that 12 miles a week would soon feel a lot harder than it seemed!

Mostly it was just time.  You really have to commit to setting aside the time to exercise.  Sure, I can walk pretty fast so an outside four mile walk would take me about an hour.  However, I was also going to the Y some days to walk the track and do my PT moves on the exercise ball.  That takes extra time when you factor in driving to/from the YMCA.

I was ahead of my weekly mileage goals since I counted the distance Danielle and I walked in Vegas that her FitBit logged.  It wasn’t until these last few weeks that I lost my motivation to get out for a walk.  I was starting to feel bored.  I also found my last few weeks of days off were quite busy.

Regardless, I powered through and completed my 120th mile on Friday to finish the challenge strong.

Sunday: No activity
I was feeling lazy on Sunday so I didn’t exercise.

Monday: 2.5 miles
I went to the Y and completed 2.5 miles on the track before doing some PT moves.  It was REALLY busy at the Y so I actually just did my laps all at the same time.  I was able to keep my heart rate up for a longer amount of time too.  3 APs earned.

Tuesday: No Activity
I never got a workout in today.  I was at Edmark with my car for repairs before going to my WW meeting.  Later that evening I decided to drag out our tree and Christmas decorations so we could get some photos for our Christmas Card.  I never made time to actually exercise.

Wednesday: 3 miles
I decided to shake things up and do Walk Away The Pounds (WATP) DVD at home.  I did a 3 mile walk and then lifted some weights.  4 APs earned.

Thursday: No Activity
With Thanksgiving, a nap, a movie, and some Black Friday late night/early morning shopping, I never did any formal exercise today.

Friday: 2.5 miles
I knew I needed to finish up this challenge and I really didn’t want to let myself down.  I jumped on the treadmill for an incline workout to finish up my 120 mile goal.  4 APs earned.

Saturday: No Activity
I decided on extra sleep/snuggle time with Kenyon today.

Total for week ten: 8 miles

Total for challenge: 120 miles of 120 miles walked!!!

According to the Excel sheet we are to log our info to, I completed 100% of my commitment. 

I exercised 1891 minutes, which is equivalent to 31.52 hours walked.

Hour Calculator
Minutes of exercise
Converted hours below
31.52 hours

I have been asked what my next goal is.  I am not really sure.  I need to keep up with the PT moves so walking the track is still a realistic option.  I would also like to ramp up the intensity of my workouts and maybe get back into some classes at the Y.


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