
When You Can't Get What You Want

You all know I love me some Dutch Bros coffee (so does Dawny now thanks to me and my bad influence).

However, while Dutch Bros is expanding it is still mainly located in only a few states. This makes it difficult to enjoy my favorite coffee when I travel.

I have been drinking an Americano (espresso and hot water) for a few years now. It is an easy drink to get at any coffee shop. Each coffee shop has different tasting espresso and coffee shops like Starbucks has super strong tasting espresso. The bummer is these coffee shops are available almost anywhere I travel and Dutch Bros is not. It makes getting my Ameriano easy but not my favorite tasting espresso.

When we were in Vegas in April there was a Starbucks in our hotel lobby. I really wanted an iced Americano (made with cold water vs. hot water) and there was no line at the Starbucks. With nobody in line behind me I didn't feel pressured to spend some extra talking with the barista about my options to make a iced coffee the way I would enjoy it more. I have learned that whenever coffee is too strong of a taste you just delute it with more hot water (or cold water). 

I have finally found an iced cofee I can enjoy when Dutch Bros isn't available!

At Starbucks I order a Venti Iced Decaf Americano with three shots instead of five (the usual for the Venti size). I add sugar free caramel and three Splenda. I then add my own bit of half-and-half when they hand it over to me. Perfect!

Having three shots of espresso instead of five allows there to be enough coffee taste without the super strong espresso taste. I really like the sugar free caramel served at Starbucks and it also gives their espresso an added boost of flavor. Since I get only three shots I am also charged less than the true cost of the Venti size.

It is still more than my beloved Dutch Bros costs but still worth the extra pennies. I'm not willing to give up the stuff I enjoy so finding this alternative when we travel has been nice. Well, maybe not so much for my wallet!

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