At the start of March, my WW Leader tasked the group with setting a goal for the month. My goal was to make March more successful with weight loss than February. That didn’t mean setting a lofty number goal that made me crazy obsessive but rather to simply end the month better than February’s end, which honestly should have been easy to beat!
Honest tracking was the first key to a more successful month. The second was evaluating my food and cutting back slightly here and there to hopefully get some new results.
The tracking has really helped me evaluate my food. And although the month hasn’t ended yet, it’s looking a lot better than February did. I’ve been more consistent with earning my blue dots and seeing them add up is a good part of why I’m seeing positive results at the scale.
As far as cutting back on food, the easiest cut was my daily fruit and yogurt snack. It is 0 SPV and really good. But, did I really need it? I’m not sure. So, I stopped taking it to work and rolled into my planned evening meal earlier. This meant that when I got home from work some nights, I knew I was wanting “something”. Also, most days I had 8 DPA left at the end of my day. Somedays I would have my yogurt and fruit when I got home and some days I would have popcorn or a WW snack bar. It just depended more on if I was hungry and what for vs. always having the planned yogurt snack. I know changing it up helped my weight loss efforts.
Last Saturday, I made the decision to eat mindfully and not track. Since I had the St. Patty’s Eve festivities, green beer included, I didn’t want to start my week with a negative tone seeing all the weekly points I’d blown through. I cheated a bit and did a quick add 0 point for each meal so I could still earn my WW Wins for the day. This allowed me to go about my week but not thinking I actually had that many WSPA. Instead, I ended most days this week with rollover points. I’m really happy with how my week ended.

Staying positive and being flexible has also helpful to my weight loss results. Don’t be fooled though, losing weight has been on my mind a lot and causing me some anxiety. I didn’t get to a meeting today since we’ve not been sleeping well with our cold/cough. I’m looking forward to getting on the mend so I can get back to activity and normal/regular meals again and keep the buffer in place I might have earned while being sick. Despite feeling like crap, loss of appetite is good for weight loss. I just don’t want to do it all the time!
Have a great Saturday.