
Weekly WI: Still Plugging Along - MetPro Update

 My Weekly Weigh-In was a very small loss, -0.2 pounds.  After several weeks of hanging out in the 210s, I am happy to have downward movement, even in small increments.  We also returned from a weekend trip to Jackpot, NV and I attended a family picnic with my fellow Elks members.  So, it was a busy weekend of excess food consumption.

I had a check-in with my MetPro coach who helped talk me through some of the tracking and meal prep struggles.  I had another check-in yesterday where we and had a good discussion about alcohol and how it impacts weight loss.  We also decided to try my first “cut.” 

To rev the metabolism, you cut the meal carbs at lunch and dinner for 72 hours.  Then, when you add them back in, it stimulates the metabolism.  It may take a couple tries to find the right “cut” but it is all part of the MetPro plan. 


I sometimes struggle with getting my meal carbs in, so the adjustment has been fine so far.  I am also choosing to not drink alcohol this weekend to give my metabolism the helping hand it needs!  I have social plans next week so it will make it that much more enjoyable to wait. 


I also am working on shaking up my meal ideas this week, so I don’t continue to feel bored or restricted, and get in some activity.  I took a long walk on Thursday and really pushed my pace.  It feels good to see the calorie burn afterwards.


I’m ready to finish this week strong…than have a beer!



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