
Weekly WI: Ending The Month With Another Gain

I ended April with another gain, at least it was a small one after last week’s unexpected large gain.

I does not make me feel very successful getting ready to go out of town and I know when we return, I’ll be back over 200 pounds.  The goal this week is to balance the social outings and high point foods with lower point foods and really stay mindful of what I am putting into my mouth around the meals in a social setting.  While I did not expect the gain two weeks ago, last week was tough.  I gave into work stress consoling myself with alcohol and ice cream.  I am mad at myself but what does that do?  Instead, let’s make this week a better week shall we!

I had a lot of positives last week too.  We did meals at home and one day when we ordered Dominos Pizza, I checked in with myself and ate less than I pre-tracked.  I also go out three times last week for #WWWalkingWeek.

Even those there are so many things I could have done better last week, there were helpful aspects too.  I have schedule two gym classes this week and have a walking date with two gal pals later this week.  I only have a supervisor meeting and a 10-hour shift standing between me and vacation time.  I am so ready for a break!

I also celebrated 14 years as a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member.

That is 100% something to be proud of and I am for sure.  This journey has been lined with weeks we are super focused and weeks that life gets the better of us.  At any rate, it has always been worth it. 

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