
So Much Work - So Little Time

I started my training with WW last Monday.  It was at an weigh-in only location and starting October 2nd, more in-person workshops in my area will be back in business.  WhoooHooo!

My name tag arrived in the mail, the day after my first day of work.  The members were so nice and patient as I learned the computer system.  All in all, it went pretty well.


I am looking forward to another Monday of training.  After vacation, I am not sure when/where I’ll be working as I continue to become familiar with the duties of a WW Guide.  It is still really exciting and I just love interacting with the members.


Speaking of work, I just finished a 7-day stretch and I am exhausted.  I had plans to go out for some Oktoberfest fun on Friday but I am just plum wore out.  I spent today with my niece as we toured Boise State University in hopes I can persuade her to attend our local college.  We also attended a presentation for National Forensics Week in which some Idaho State Police personnel are getting awards for their hard work in solving a cold case.  Hailey is interested in a career in forensics so this was a great way to see more in action.


We officially have 9 days until our Alaska Cruise.


I am really jealous of Kenyon as he gets to start his vacation a week earlier than me.  I still have three shifts standing in the way of relaxing and NO WORK STRESS!  At least I hope no work stress.  Our staffing is really bad right now so I can’t wait to be out at sea with no cell service…heaven!

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Anonymous said...
