
Trying To Get Back Into Activity

It has been rough getting back to my regular exercise routine, partly due to vacation and partly due to a busy/choppy work schedule this week.


I’ve been focusing on getting in at least 15 minutes so I can earn my Apple Watch Activity Award for the month of January.


I need to up my workouts to 30 minutes, and get back into some weight lifting, so I can earn this special award too.


I’ve got another special award that I’m about to earn.  Just one more day of closing my Movement circle and I’ll have completed 1,250 days of meeting my daily Movement goal.  Yippie!


I’m also planning to return to gym classes.  It has been a rough schedule this week between work hours, appointments, and some co-worker switches.  I have tomorrow off and then after next week, I should be back to somewhat of a normal schedule.  I can’t believe how fast January is going.

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