
Honest Tracking

A WW Member and Coach who attended the Virtual Workshop last Tuesday shared her experience with honest tracking.  She went into the negative on points but she tracked it all. 

This was not only inspiring but something I should get better about.

She further shared that if you don’t know the points values of something how can you make an educated decision of if it is worth it or not?  Her example was a particular blizzard at Dairy Queen that was 56 points.  When we know how many calories/points are in our food choices, we are better equipped to make the decisions on what will help our WW program and what will hinder it.  Are there time the blizzard is worth 56 points?  Heck yeah!  Are there times it isn’t?  Also yes.

I was now thinking about my planned Oktoberfest event this evening.  I wanted to just eat and drink with reckless abandon and not track any of it.   I’ve been doing that for weeks now.  When I don’t want to look up the food item and/or I fear it is too high in points, I just pick an arbitrary number and call it good.  “Um…that was 20 points.”  I decided I would sit down and do some pre-tracking since I bought VIP tickets and we have our choice of entrée.


Since I suspect The Hubs will get a bratwurst and I’ll get a jagerschnitzel and we will go halves, I tracked each and that way I can dial back the amount once I eat.  This doesn’t include any beer yet and it doesn’t include any extra food since they will have a food tent (pretzels).  But, it is at least a start!

I don’t know what the night will hold but I know I’ll have tons of fun.  I will probably go further into the negative.  It is okay.  Accountability is key and pre-tracking, I am holding myself accountable.

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