
Tuesday Check-In

I am so confused on what day it is today.  I totally thought it was Wednesday and then I kept remembering it is Tuesday.  Doh!  I actually started my work week a day early so I’m off starting on Friday this week.  WhooooHoooo.  Just two more days (plus today) to go.
I have social plans this coming weekend which motivates me to want to stay on track this week.  Plus, I feel so good when I am on track with my food and activity that I really want to keep at it.  I had a great day yesterday and I’m planning to piggy-back it with today and tomorrow.  Although, I’ve forgotten my evening meal in the freezer at home.  Darn it, I hate when I do that.  My coworker suggested Chick fil A and I do like their naked chicken nuggets, although I think they have skin on them.  So, I might partake in that along with the salad I remembered to bring from home.  That should do and will give me a good dose of protein too.  Plus, Chick fil A has Coke Zero on the fountain, which is my favorite.
I started my morning with French toast.  That was a nice treat.

I found French bread at Walmart already sliced in nice small pieces.  They are about half an ounce each and 1 point.  I’ve been making my sandwich on them this week and this morning, I had French toast along with my Southwest Egg Beater egg cups. 

It was a nice way to start the day and gives me a bit of a shake up from my usual routine.  Of course, I never know how something will hold me over when I don’t eat my usual breakfast.
Well, that is all I got today.  I hope your day is going well.

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