
Time To Face The Scale & Re-Focus

It feels like it has been forever since I’ve blogged about weight loss.  Since I do enjoy blogging about travel and life, I try to strike a balance.  But, it has taken me 12 years to realize that if I don’t keep weight loss front and center in my life, it is too easy to slip back into old habits. 


I am happy to report that I got myself right back on track upon our return from Missouri.  I’ve been wanting to clean things up for a while now.  Being off plan makes me feel tired and sluggish and I hate that overall yuck feeling.  I hit up the grocery stores and did some pre-planning of my meals as well as some pre-tracking.  I made a delicious cake for Mother’s Day that was WW-friendly and I even pre-tracked a slice.  Since I was hosting the festivities last Saturday, of course my coworkers decided to order pizza that day.  Doh.  But, I chose not to have pizza and chose a piece of cake instead. 

The piece is much bigger for 7 points.  This was taken on Day 2 of more yummy dessert

This is why tracking helps me stay on track.  I am more focused and aware of my food choices when I am counting the points.  We can fool ourselves that the points/calories don’t matter but they do matter.  As far as the month of May goes, anything is an improvement April.  Oy, not a good month for tracking or earning blue dots.


WW sends me a text message every Wednesday with some motivational quotes.  Last week’s quote really resonated with me. 


I had a rough month of April and while I am going to continue to work hard to put that guilt behind me, I also let those around me start to affect my thinking.  My journey is my own and nobody else knows what it is really like.  They only see what I allow them to see.  That can be one major negative from having such an open weight loss and maintenance journey. 


Thankfully, I don’t have to live with these people every day and so I am going to choose to move forward, re-focus, and put my best foot forward.

I have no idea what the scale will show tomorrow and I’m super nervous.  I’m going to be prepping myself as I drove to my WW Studio that even if there is another huge gain, I’ll continue to work hard to get back down where I am more comfortable.  If I’ve learned anything from 2013-2016 and once again from 2016-2019, it is that pretending the weight gain doesn’t exist or is “not big deal” is the wrong attitude.  I won’t bury my head in the sand this time.  I’ll face these large gains head on, even if that means it will take all year to get it back off.

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