
It's Time To Shake Things Up

I was really unmotivated yesterday and all out of sorts.  I am glad to wake up today feeling better.  I started my day with a workout, which always sets the done for a good day.

It is so hard to get motivated to exercise and after taking yesterday off, I really needed to move my body.  I searched the WW app FitOn workouts for a medium intensity workout and keep it short and sweet.  I selected a HITT workout and then an upper body workout.  Both were really good and since they were short, it wasn’t a huge chore.

I’m in the last push for the month and completing my May Apple Watch Activity Challenge.  It feels good to know that I don’t have to log long workouts…I just have to log something!  I am trying to push myself this week in hopes of getting some positive results at the scale.

I am also trying to change up my eating.  I realized yesterday I as in a bad mood because I was hungry and irritated.  I have been too focused on being perfect and eating too low of points/meals.  It can be risky to change things up after a gain last week, but I am in desperate need of different foods and more calories/points.

I did some meal planning already for the week so I do have many low point meals.  I am going to change up my breakfasts with an egg sandwich.  I debated getting some sourdough bread from Trader Joe’s (2 points per slice) and then found this Lavash bread.  It is 3 pints for half of the large square.  I figured it would make some yummy pizzas this week and I used it for fajitas tortilla last night.

Today, the breakfast sandwich turned out really delicious.

I’m looking forward to shaking up my meal plan this week.

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