
October Weigh In

Well my WI wasn't pretty this week and I knew it wouldn't be. I also knew I would have to pay for my October WI and I will have to continue to pay each week until I am back in goal range.  I am not setting a time limit on this and instead will continue to focus on healthy eating.

Actual weight was 180.8.  I realized this is the same manufacture of scale I have at home.  No wonder the numbers are alway so close.

I had a good week where food was considered. I ate many Power Foods and got in my Good Health Guidelines. I also ate more protein which helped tide me over between breakfast and lunch a lot better.

I had more sugar this week then necessary. Between cake balls, a slice of a pumpkin roll, part of a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup shake, and a trip to the yogurt shop today, I have had a good amount of sugar. I need to work on that this next week. My sweet tooth is out of control lately!

I also had some movie popcorn on Saturday and struggled with snacking last night. I think knowing I was going to have to pay this week made me feel sort of “oh well.” It isn't a good attitude though so I must squash it!

In the meantime, I went to my meeting and paid my $9 today. I had my second opinion doctor appointment (which I will update you all on tomorrow) right after and so part of me was going to skip my meeting. BUT I needed to go! I needed to pay! And I NEED to stay accountable.

Thanks for all your support!

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