
Focus Pays Off

I had a very successful week and thankfully it was rewarded on the scale with a three pound loss.  My new weight is 195.8.  I did my WI at home since I can’t attend my meeting today.  I am not at all ready to start this work week!

This is the week we transition from day-shift to night-shift at work.  I have to say I am ready.  When my alarm clock went off at 4am I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it.  This is my last week on day-shift and I have a four day weekend.  I start swing shift (4pm-2am) on Tuesday the 28th.

I have set aside some goals to focus on this week:

·        Continue with 100% tracking.  I have been fooling myself for far too long and I must continue to track honestly and EVERYTHING!  I felt a little stressed the last couple of days as I didn’t have many WPPA left.  I wasn’t strict with myself but it sure made me evaluate if I really wanted to eat this or that due to my small amount of WPPA available. 

·        Manage my WPPA.  I will have several indulgences in food and a few sweets starting Thursday.  My plan is to manage my WPPA so I have a good allotment to use over the weekend.  Obviously this can skew the scale since I will be eating (and drinking) a bit more this weekend.  I don’t want to be stingy with myself but I want to make sure I don’t go over my WPPAs this week.

·        No sweets until Friday.  I have some dessert indulgences planned this weekend so I will try to not dive into the sweets too early.  Now, this could change with it being my birthday week and all but I will have to just take it as it comes and evaluate the “worth it” factor.  There are donuts in the dispatch center this morning but I don’t need them and I don’t want to spend the points on them.  If something better comes along then maybe I’ll seal the deal!

·        Lose one pound this week.  This isn’t the end-all-be-all for me as I know this is going to be a week of indulgences.  However, I would like to stay focused and not go overboard on my food/drinks/dessert.  I am hoping if I have a weight loss goal in mind that I will at the very minimum pull out at least a maintain.  Regardless, this is one week and I’ll solder on after it.

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