
Weekly WI: Coffee Is My Friend Today

Hello from the dispatch console.


After working my regular week and being a team player and offering to work part of Christmas Day for a coworker, I was supposed to have today and tomorrow off.  Well, when your phone starting ringing at 4:30am, that can’t be good.  Despite hoping maybe one of my other coworkers would cover it, here I am.  At least the overtime pay benefit is really nice this week.  And, I’ve had my coffee so I am less irritate.  Honestly, I am just super tired and worn out.  I may or may not have had a mental breakdown while taking a shower to get ready to work.  I need a break and thankfully (fingers crossed) I have four days off all in a row coming up here soon.
Before I called in to work, I called Mom to see if she was still up for attending a back-up WW meeting.  She was but also okay with skipping and she understood my dilemma with being a reliable employee.  I've been on the fence on even wanting to step on the scale.  I was planning to attend the meeting even if I took a pass at the scale. 


With the end of the month and year upon us, I’d like it to end on a positive note and not one that results in a gain.  While I have no idea if I have gained, I am reminded that I was on track for weeks on end with a maintain, small gain, or small loss.  Since I’ve been quite off track this week with my food and my program, I’m sure I’ve gained. 

We will either pop into a meeting next week or I'll find a new meeting location/time to get me through the next three months with "hopefully" a renewed focus.  This last week of loose tracking has made me realize that I feel so much better ON track than OFF track, that is for sure.  My days off are about to change so I’ll need to find a new WW home as well.  It will only be temporary as in April, I’ll be able to get back to my Tuesday morning WW meeting/workshop/studio/location.

I’m ending the month of December with a 0.6 loss and my total loss for 2018 is 15.8 pounds.  I look forward to another year of tracking my monthly losses and watching those totals add up! 


100 pound charm, I’ve still got my eye on you.

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