
50 State Virtual Meeting Challenge

It’s a brand new month.  Hello April.  But more importantly, Goodbye March!

I found this on FB and though it was appropriate.  Instead of “in like a lion and out like a lamb,” it sure has been a rough March.  And I’m not convinced “April showers will bring May flowers.”  We won’t be done with COVID-19 just yet.  Sigh.

I’ve just attended a WW Virtual Workshop meeting in Albany, NY.  After attending a workout in Albuquerque, NM yesterday, the WW Coach gave me a great idea of a 50 State Challenge.  It feels exhausting but also exciting.  I made a list and went in search of a Virtual Workshop in all 50 states.  I’ll be tackling them one-by-one.

And, since yesterday was a POINTS BOMB of a day, I need this refresh with a WW Virtual Workshop.  So, I am glad I jumped onto Albany, NY.  I have Ohio and California on the list for today as well.  I don’t need to double up each days for meetings but to start, I might just so I can try and reach the goal of all 50 states before April 30th.  We don’t know how long these virtual workshops will last.

My days off are passing in a blur.  I am not ready to go back to work!  I’ve been meal planning/prepping today so I am ready for the week.  And, after such a rough day yesterday with high point of-plan foods, I need this re-start to the week and the month.

I hope you are all having a good mid-week and still staying sane through this stay-at-home order.  Hang in there.

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