
What Goes Up Must Come Down?

Well, this week’s WI wasn’t pretty.

My official weight this week at my WW meeting was 178.8.  I had a gain of 2.8 pounds.

Did I really gain 2.8 pounds of fat in a week?  No.  It is still a bummer though.

There is nobody to blame but myself.  My eating was out of control this weekend andit has shown up on the scale.  I am not a bad person because of my gain.  I have no reason to beat myself up.  I ate more food than necessary and I had a gain.

This is only a temporary blip.

My back/hip is still not 100% better but I can’t keep using it as an excuse to not eat healthy or exercise.  I have meal planned and gone to the grocery store.  I am also planning to walk this week for my activity.  I hope whatever is going on will resolve itself soon.

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