
Weekly WI

I had a great WI this week and lost 1.8 pounds.

Actual weight was 184.6

And then I cried. But not over the number.

I was never 100% wild about the leader that teaches the Wednesday evening WW meeting. I only met her two weeks ago and since I sometimes work overtime on Thursday I need to hit up a Wednesday meeting. The center by my house is an early meeting and after going last week I went again this week.

While I was waiting in line to do my WI I could hear the leader talking to the gal ahead of me. I don't recall that the gal asked for any advise or “counsel” but the leader pointed out she had noticed a pattern, “and not a good one” over the last few weeks. The gal explained that she was out of town and while she was extra active her eating had not been on track. The leader just kept drilling her on how she was going to turn around her gains and what she would do this week different. It when then that I now realize I had become on the defensive against this leader. I felt it was unnecessary to be so harsh with this WW member.

My turn next, already with a chip on my shoulder, I step up to the scale and collect my loss. I'm super pumped about it as my hard work paid off. The leader (who doesn't even know me nor my story so I'll give her credit for that) starts asking me all sorts of questions about where I'm going and what I'm doing. She wants to know what weight I want to put into the system. Huh? Excuse me? She seemed to be under the impression that I am return Lifetime member and since I'm not at goal but also not 305 pounds what weight do I want to put into the system. She then points out that I've only lost 120 pounds, not 130 pounds.

And then the tears fell.

It appears we had a misunderstanding and were not communicating on the same level. I explained that I am not a return member. I am a WW member that has lost 130 pounds and maintained that loss for five years. I explained that I am currently on night shift and missed a few meetings as I was looking for where to attend. You see, I have no WW home right now. I thought perhaps the Wednesday night could be a temporary home but now I'm not so sure. I explained that I have been over goal since August and while it is a struggle I worked hard to lose 130 pounds and I'm not about to let this struggle over shadow that. I don't want to look at it as only losing 120 pounds.

I just want to go back to my regular Tuesday meeting with a leader I adore and members that enjoy having me there.

The leader explained to me she wasn't trying to put down my accomplishment but rather she was trying to ask how to reward me for five pound losses. Okay, I guess I didn't quite understand her way of “pepping me up.” I can't place all the blame on her. As I said earlier, she doesn't know me and she doesn't know my story.

I'm not quite sure where this leaves me for the next five weeks or so. I for sure am able to attend the Thursday night meeting and will do so with Natalie in Nampa next week. There is another Wednesday night meeting at another location so that is also an option. I just don't know if I want to return to the meeting I attended the last two weeks. Not the leader's fault but I just don't feel the support I need is going to be there.


Anonymous said...

I just want to give you the biggest hug. I'm sorry that leader was a j*rk! (Really to be a leader I think you need to be kind and if not it's just not going to work out!) You should be proud of what you've accomplished and I know you'll get back to goal! :)

Dawny said...

UGH.. How totally frustrating, I can see how/why you would end up to be in tears.. it seems although maybe her intentions were headed in the right direction, she needs to maybe find a 'softer' approach, or something.. yikes.. =-/

Hopefully it gets better, and the time goes faster til you get back to your weight watchers home my friend =-)

Nichole said...

I am so sorry that happened! I would have cried, too. The scale is already an emotionally overwrought place. No need to make it worse and engage in those discussions at the scale, is my opinion. You are so very strong, and such an inspiration. She doesn't know you or your journey. I hope you can just let it go in one ear and out the other.

Christie Bartlett said...

Having a supportive leader helps so much! I had a leader that I loved & did really well because of her guidance...I moved & just now found a leader that I like; it took a while, I even tried online because I couldn't find a leader. I am sorry that happened to you. You have come so far & are such an inspiration.